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Tapping my foot i listen to Mike on the phone line. "Baby I want you to come home." He said.
"I am home." I reply.
Something told me not to answer his calls. Everytime he call our calls consist of pleads and i did you wrong type of shit.

"Well i want to come back home. Im tired of not waking up to you. Tired of having to order take outs and washing my own clothes. Tired of seeing myself without you." He told me.

I crack a smile. He was making it seem as if i was the innocent one and he did me wrong. "Oh really? So thats why you wanna come home so i can cook and slay for you, right? I think its best for you to see what a woman goes through." I told him.

Yeah i was wrong for cheating on Mike but he was on that modern love shit. I don't think a woman should have to cook for her husband, wash his clothes, wash his damn dishes, pick up his dirty draws, clean the entire house. It doesn't work like that. If you all have to do that for your man, yall dont have a man more like a child. I felt like i surrender to his ass. I would have been better off working at McDonald's and bringing home left over burgers and fries.

"Why you making things so hard for us? You always been so damn complicated and shit. Look Liz i know it wasnt a full week but we need each other. Atleast let me see you." He beg.

"Begging doesnt look good on a man." I joke.
"I'm not begging." He argue.
"And i dont have a coochie between my legs. So who lying more?" I question.
I heard him mumble something that i didnt catch but i wasnt having that. "Speak up Mike." I said.
"Look i dont have time for this. You either going to let me come or not? Lets not forget I'm the innocent one here. Lets not forget I'm letting your ass stay in my house for free." He said.
"I dont know who the hell you thought you were talking to. You got the wrong one. Matterfact you got the right one today. You want the house so bad nigga? Come and get it, i bet your ass wont. Your ass seem obsess with me. We both agreed on space, you suffering cating me without even being near me. Come on Mike." I frown.

I was disappointed in him in many different ways. Why cant he just leave me alone for once. What happen to breathing space? What the fuck happen to me time? He was calling me more than we was together. Damn if i got the attention i got then, than we wouldn't have been having this conversation.

"Look Liz im not trying to argue. Atleast think about it soon, alright?" He stated.
"Okay but look i gotta go." I said.
"Okay baby, love you." He said.
Instead of responding i hung up on him. To be honest i didn't know if i still love him or not. I would have said love you back, but i didn't wanna lie.

Getting up out of the chair i poured my wine out into the sink. I was expecting company. Looking at my attair i smiled at my grey pink jumpsuit and off gray shoes.

Hearing the doorbell ring startled me. I wasn't use to people coming here, hell i barely invited people especially for a one on one talk.

Opening the door i look into Chestnut eyes and almost melt. This was the man who turned me out in a matter of seconds when my own husbamd couldn't. This was the same man i been crying over and the same man who tried to infected. But this was also the same damn man i couldn't get off my mind no matter what.

"You gonna drool or let a nigga in?" He ask.
I move aside and let his cocky ass in. When he walk in the hair on the nap of my neck stood up. My body was fighting against my mind like always. He had that affect on me and still to this day he still do.

"Look Richard-" I started.
He place his hands up and shook his head. "No you look and listen. I fuck up big-time i should have told you i was infected. But that slip my mind ok?" He rambled.

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