Questions for book 2

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Please read and listen.
Someone message me saying noone should have died and noone deserve to die. You are right about the second part noone doesn't deseve to die.
But? If you have read my book Thot'em, Crave'em and etc someone DID die. Yes i am a character killer. Richard died for a reason not because i was being Mean and stupid.. So here is some questions for yall. Please all readers answer them this determines book 2

Do you think Liz will live?

What about Pam, would she accept the fact her husband is gone?

Should Mike have shot Liz and Richard?

Do you think Mike and Liz will get back together?

How will Richard death affect Liz, especially Pam?

Will feds/police catch Mike?

Is Mike insane ?

When did you notice Mike has lost his mind?

Did you hint around Mike was psycho for Liz?

Is Liz the reason why Richard is dead?

Would what happen in the past come hunt them?

Are you ready to meet the parents of Liz, Pam, and Richard?

Would Richard have a death comeback?

Are you ready for book two ? I know i am. Lord knows what i have in store for yall , but mostly myself..

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God bless all, who bless themselves and OTHERS.. 😘😘💜👌


Notes ***

In wife swap 1 , yall should have spot out that Mike was always Psycho for Liz from the get go ..

Wife SwapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora