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After Richard came home and told me he felt bad for having sex with that bitch, i bout died . The only reason he regretted was due to the fact his ass got herpes.

He don't even know if the bitch positive or negative. As his wife that made me feel less of a woman but mainly less of his wife.

The day Richard found out he had herpes i pity him as he laid in my lap and cried like a baby. During that time i should have slap the taste buds out his mouth. I thought I was being a good wife by letting him know I'm here for his ass.

Yesterday was the icing on the cake fuck that it was the goddamn birthday candles. He never once told me he was sorry for infecting me. Never once gave a fuck about rawing the next bitch and coming home doing the same to me. Our family, well his family think its all me. No sweetie, I didn't start cheating til Richard ass did. If he would have kept his snail in his pants then we wouldn't have problems. We wouldn't even be fucking arguing about this bullshit. Just like him it was a bunch of bull.

Pacing the floor i grab my car keys and ignore a pouting Richard on the chair. Getting in my car i race onto the dirt road. I was going pay all these bitches a nice little visit. Starting off with Liz.

I sat out in her driveway for a while. Debating whether i should bring my bat along. I wasnt fit for jail so i thought against it. As i got out the car i held my breathe walking up the steps to her house. I waited for somebody to unlock the door but noone never came. Twisting the knob the door open.

Once i step inside their house the scent of liquor hitted me and i wince. I wasnt used to this smell in her house. She usually had that bleach and Ajax smell. The lights was dim and i heard sniffling in a corner.

"Liz?" I ask.
I watch small movement in the corner and she said. "Go away."
"Its Pam i came to talk to you." I said.
There was no reply and i flick on the lights. She was balled up in a corner wrap around her rob. Her hair was sticking on top of her head and her eyes was red so was her face. I wanted to laugh and tell her about her ass. But i didnt have the heart to. The inner bitch in me went straight out the window once i cut on the lights and saw how she was i wanted to crate her and help her.

"If you came here to bash me too. Go right ahead." She said.
Walking up to her i kneel before her. I didn't want to talk to her as a friend cause we wasn't near that. I was going to talk to her woman to woman.

"My mama taught me to never kick a dog when its down. There no sense of that." I said.
She look at me for once and i had to squint my eyes to make sure it was actually her. She looked bad.
"I guess im that dog huh? Im the biggest dog in here."She yelled causing it to echo.
"Mhmm." I said slightly agreeing.
"Your husband told me he got fucking herpes. A fucking std from lord knows who. I can possibly have the shit! You know how that shit make a woman like me feel?" She question.

At this point i was taking aback. She was still comparing herself to other woman.
"Liz you don't have noone to blame but your damn self. You slept with a married man and didn't ask about his background. And the nerve of you to compare yourself to other women. You slept with my damn husband and here I am standing here trying lift your damn depress spirit. That may have been my husband and still is. But at the end of the day i still am a woman. I know how a woman feel. I know what the hell you going through and i can help you." I said.

Instead of giving this woman a testimony i should have been beating her ass.
"Look im not like you to get over that, alright? Im fucking batter fuck that shit im fucking shatter. I never been this broken in my damn life. I want to fucking kill myself over this shit." She said throwing her hands up.
"Cry now and laugh later. Laughing will keep you from crying. You need to keep on pushing your way through this. Dont let my husband keep you down. Thats my job. Cause when you get up on your two feet and smiling im going to be right here to knock your ass back down." I said standing up.

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