Rise And Shine

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It took me a second to realize someone had turned on the fairy lights in my room. Rolling over on my bed, I opened my eyes slightly to see Dan just leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

I was able to remember that I had to drive him to the studio this morning. I got out of bed and changed my sweatpants and T-shirt for jeans and a polo shirt. I would take a shower, but I saw no point since I'd be leaving for my studio after I dropped Dan off and then go to the barn.

After brushing my hair and putting on a tiny (and I mean tiny) amount of makeup, I walked into the kitchen seeing Dan eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling through his Twitter.

I got myself a bowl of Greek yogurt, adding some strawberries in there as well.

Dan glanced up from his phone, "since when did you eat healthy?"

I shrugged, "oh trust me, nothing has really changed, I just feel healthy today." I replied, laughing a bit.

He smiled, "do you think you could stay around the studio a bit today?"

I nodded, "well yeah! I want to say hi to the rest of the guys! You know, your not my only friend in that band of yours."

Dan gasped, "really?! I thought I was the only one you liked?"

"Eh, you're all annoying sometimes. Especially Kyle with his theories of us dating." I replied.

Dan laughed, "let's be honest, they're funny though?"

I shrugged, "funny but then annoying. I bet you £100 the second he sees us he's going to say something about the fact that you stayed the night here."

"Well, you are quite shady..." Dan mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "ha-ha, very funny." I said hitting him in the shoulder.

He smiled, before taking his empty bowl of cereal to the sink and cleaning it.

I finished my yogurt soon, handing it to Dan. "But the real test is, are you nice enough to clean my dish?"

Dan glanced at me before taking my bowl, "yeah, yeah, yeah..."

I smiled, turning back towards my room where I got my riding boots before taking them to the living room. "Could you start the car? And take these in the car?"

Dan nodded, grabbing my keys off the counter and taking my riding boots from me.

I went back in my room and grabbed my laptop, shutting it off before taking the charger and locking up my flat before going down to the car. Dan was already in the car, sitting quietly in the passenger seat waiting for me.

Opening the driver seat door, I got inside and gave Dan the aux cord, something he never got.

He beamed, "really?!"

I laughed, "I'm feeling a little generous today..."

Dan smiled, plugging it in his phone and starting to play his music. Which was actually a song I liked.


Once we arrived to the studio we went inside where we bumped into Kyle.

"Oh, look! Friends with benefits!" He called.

I rolled my eyes, "Dan you owe me £100..."

"Funny Mia... Funny..." He said, walking towards the elevator.

Kyle laughed before turning his attention back to me, "its nice to see you again."

All jokes aside, Kyle was a lot like a brother to me. "You too bastard."

He rolled his eyes before giving me a hug and walking with me to the elevator where Dan was holding the door.

Once we were upstairs, I was greeted by Will, Woody, Charlie, and Mark.

"Its Mia!" Called Charlie, giving me a big hug.

I grinned, hugging him back. "Its nice to see you guys!"

Will smiled, "you too, Mia." He said.

"I heard someone's friends with benefits..." Woody mumbled.

Dan was right next to Woody when he said that, hitting him in the shoulder.

I glared at Kyle, "someone needs to stop him..." I replied, taking a seat in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, but you guys love me. We all know it." Kyle said before taking a seat next to me.

Once we were all done joking, they went right to business. They made Will go and record his parts before having Kyle and Charlie go in. I sat quietly in the corner, charging my phone with Dan's charger (who let me borrow it) while tapping my feet along to the music. If I stayed longer, Dan would've gone in and sang, but since I had to leave I only heard a portion of the new song.

I got up, mentioning to everyone I had to leave. They all gave me hugs, asking where'd I be going.

"I'm going to my studio," I replied with a slight smiled, "then I'm going to the barn, Hugo's getting better and my trainer gave me the okay to start riding him again."

Woody nodded, "that's great!"

I smiled, "yup! I'll see you guys later!"

They all waved bye to me before I left their studio, trying quickly to get down to my car because I was a little late.


You can probably already tell Kyle's going to be that annoying "brother". Anyway! Thanks for reading guys! Means a lot to me that people like my books... Maybe...

- Lots of love, Vanina

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