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Dan and I had agreed to go out a do a little shopping, mostly because I forced him to but he seemed okay with it.

We were just strolling through the mall when I couldn't help but stop and stare at this absolutely gorgeous locket. It was a white gold locket, a pair of wings on the front of it, the inside open for a picture.

"Could we go inside and see it?" I asked Dan, a smile on my face.

He gave a small sigh before gesturing for me to enter.

I practically ran into the store, whenever it came to jewelry I was always asking like a kid in a candy store. I just loved rings, necklaces, bracelets, and especially earrings. I mean, I didn't get 2 ear piercings and 2 cartilage piercings for no reason.

"How can I help you two today?" A small blonde haired girl asked, giving Dan and I bright smiles.

I glanced back at the necklace, "Could we see this locket here?" I asked, pointing at the necklace.

She gave a nod, grabbing a pair of keys before opening the back of the case open and taking the locket out. The girl closed the locket causing it to create a small pop from its clicking shut.

I took the locket when she handed it to me, rolling it around my fingers and admiring the detail work of it.

"Do you want me to put it on?" Dan asked from behind, glancing over my shoulder to see the locket.

I nodded, putting my hair over my shoulder and giving the necklace to Dan. He put the necklace on, making sure he clipped it to were it wasn't choking me.

"It's absolutely gorgeous!" Said the girl, giving me a mirror so I could look at it.

I absolutely loved it, "How much it is?" I asked.

She looked turned around to the computer behind her, typing in the serial number. "It's  98 pounds."

"Shit," I said under my breath.

"Did you forget your wallet?" Dan asked.

I nodded, "But hey, my birthday's coming up and if you need an idea for what to get me..."

He smiled, "Alright, maybe. But don't get your hopes up."


I always usually threw a nice party, filled with friends and of course, drinks. Thankfully I was able to get a hold of Ashleigh, Will, Kyle, and Woody to help me.

I was putting up a couple balloons when Ashleigh finally realized who we were missing.

"Wait, where's Dan?" She asked, glancing around for the dork.

"He said he might not make it," I said softly. He was always around for the birthday, no matter what. If he was touring, he'd Skype me or Facetime me just to say happy birthday or he'd send me something from the country he was visiting.

"He'll probably come later," Will chimed in.

I shrugged, "I don't know, it seemed like he wasn't even able to make it..."

"He'll come. Trust me." Kyle said, putting up the last of the wall decorations.

The rest of the night was alright, it was fun to just hang out with friends and celebrate my 27th birthday. But I still couldn't get over the fact that Dan still didn't hear. Ashleigh and I were able to have everyone gone at around 1 AM, a pretty okay time for one of our birthday parties.

I said a good night to Ashleigh, locking up after her. I got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt I stole from Dan, who still wanted it back. But I claimed it  by spraying it in my perfume.


I felt like I had gotten 2 hours of sleep when my phone kept ringing, frowning I grabbed my phone seeing it was Dan.

I felt obligated to pick up, I sure didn't want to. Yeah, maybe I'm making a big deal out of it, but I mean come on. At least, call me, text me, I don't fucking care how you contact me, just say happy birthday.

"Can you open up, please?" Dan asked quietly, he knew exactly what he did.

I sighed, hanging up before getting up and walking to the front door and opening it.

"All I ask if for you to call me, say happy birthday. Dammit Daniel." I said, feeling my eyes start to burn with tears on the verge of escaping. 


"Save it," I said almost closing the door on him before he stopped me.

Dan pulled out a small necklace box, handing it to me before taking out another box that looked like a bracelet box.

I took the two, immediately knowing what the necklace was. I sat down at my round dining table, opening up the necklace box first. I knew it was the necklace, there was no denying it. I took it carefully out of its box and held it up admiring the detail work once again.

I looked up at Dan, smiling brightly before hugging him tightly. This was probably the most thoughtful gift he's gotten me in a while. Definitely a special one as well.

"Well open the other one too," Dan said, letting go of our hug.

Smiling, I opened the other box to see a bracelet with Hugo's show name on it. I already had 2 of these kinds of bracelets, one for my first horse, one for the horse I lost a couple years ago, and now I finally have one for Hugo.

I couldn't help but start crying, it was definitely from my period, but I honestly didn't care. "Thank you so much."

Dan grinned, hugging me tightly and rocking me back and forth a bit, causing the floorboards to creak a bit. "Now that I'm finally here, could I stay the night?"

"Oh, yeah, why did you decide to come at," I started, looking at the clock, "At 4 in the morning?"

He shrugged, "Thought I'd spend the day with you?"


Once I had Dan situated on the floor (Ashleigh sort of stole the guest bed for her new flat), I got back in bed and just laid down.

I could tell Dan was fast asleep, from the little snores that sort of drove me insane. I decided to get up and get a glass of water, something I did far too often. Once I had my water I sat down on the counter, looking through the window and just listening to each one of the cars that drove by with the occasional honk. I loved living in the city, I really didn't know why since I was born in the suburbs of Toronto and I was always around horses which were quite the way from my childhood home. Of course I do miss a few things from back home, like the winters, I always loved the cold even though I felt it at around 12°. Not to mention my parents vacation home in the forests of Montreal, the winters were heaven. From the wildlife, you'd be able to hear almost 24/7 to the Northern Lights.

I was caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize Dan was up. "You alright?" He asked when he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm fine, just can't sleep," I said, glancing at Dan and giving him a weak smile.

He nodded, "Well, I'll head back. And please go to sleep soon, I know you haven't slept pretty much all week."

Dan wasn't lying, I practically got no sleep due to deadlines for house plans. Thank god it was Ashleigh's week to start planning. I did listen to Dan, once I finished my water I headed back to bed, curling up in the sheets and slowly falling back to my much-needed sleep.


Oh my gosh, I finally got time to update! Really sorry for the lack of updates, it's finals week and I've been busy with school and studying. I probably won't update until this weekend since I have a test Wednesday, Thursday, and two Friday, but I'll definitely try and squeeze one or two quick chapters.

- Lots of love, Vanina

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