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A couple weeks had gone by, Ashleigh had dragged me to Toronto to take a look at this flat, and to be completely honest, it was probably the best flat I've seen for a while. Especially for the money. Since Thanksgiving was coming up (American; my mom was from New York) I decided to pay my parents a visit in Montreal, I haven't seen them in such a long time and I really missed them, especially my brother and my niece.

I arrived at my parents house at around 8 PM, not giving them any warning about me visiting. I got out of my rental car, grabbing my suitcases and trudging up the long driveway that lead to their large home. Honestly, I didn't really like growing up in a rich family, I wanted to work for my own things, earn them really. Thank God when I was 16 my parents told me I could pay for everything I bought. Sad but happy for myself.

The second the door opened I was greeted by my little niece who was currently 4. She screamed before hugging my legs, "Mommy, daddy! Mia is here!" She screamed.

I picked her up, giving her a tight hug and giving her tons of kisses. Man, I really missed this child.

I saw my mom out of the corner of my eye, she ran towards me, hugging me as tight as she possibly could. Before I knew it, everyone was hugging me and saying how much they missed me.


"So you might be moving to Toronto?" My dad asked after I explained the situation.

I shrugged, "I really have no idea. I want to, but I don't." I replied thinking about all my friends over there.

"But all your family is here," My brother said from across the dining room table. "You have us to help you out too if you ever need it."

"But I have Dan and all them over there. They're my other family." I explained, smiling a bit at the thought of them.

My mom's eyes lit up at the mention of Dan, "How is he?! Are you guys dating yet?!"

I threw my head up, "Does everyone think I'm dating him?! Am I not allowed to be close friends with him?"

"Well," My mom began. "You have known him for, what? Sixteen years now?"

"Yeah but he's still a friend," I told her. "And I don't think we'll date anyway."

I heard my sister-in-law groan, "Darn. You guys were always so cute, especially playing music together."

I giggled, "Yeah alright, when we were like 12." When I moved to London, Dan and I always played music at my house, my piano only allowed Dan and I to play it, no one else. We'd play all day and night, trying to come up with our own songs and play them together, only one was successful and that was when we were in High School.

She smiled, "And not to mention he has quite the awesome band."

I grinned, Alex (sister-in-law) was always a fan of their music. Before she even met me or my brother, she listened to them before Bad Blood was released and before Pompeii was popular. She did do a double take when she learned I was best friends with them.

The rest of the night was filled with laughs and drinks, catching up with my family was a much-needed thing. I just missed them so much, living in London definitely wasn't easy, but I loved it there.

My brother helped me take all my stuff into my room, allowing me my privacy when everything was up. I always liked my brother, he was always kind and caring towards me. Yeah, he'd annoy the hell out of me, but as we got older he started treating me like I was older than him. And now that he's 32 it's pretty crazy that he has a family of his own.

I was unpacking when I got a call from Dan. They were touring a bit in the U.S. and I think they were in New York recently.

"Hey, how are you?" Dan asked when I answered the phone.

"Good! It's great to be home, that's for sure." I said, flopping on my bed.

He let out a breathy laugh, "Tell me about it... How is everyone though?"

"Pretty good, little Brooklyn is growing up too fast," I said with a chuckle.

"What is she now? Four?" Dan asked.

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, "Yeah, pretty crazy how fast she's grown up."

He chuckled, "That's life for you, next thing you know she'll be a teenager." Dan said.

I sighed, "Don't got to remind me... Least she's not my kid."

"Thank God she's not your kid. I don't think you'd be prepared to have a kid..." He said in a joking manner.

I smiled, "You're right, I like being able to do what the fuck I want to." I replied. I glanced at the clock which reads 12:15. "Hey, is it alright if I call you tomorrow? I'm pretty tired."

"Yeah that's fine! Night Mia," He said before hanging up.

I locked my phone, plugging it into its charger before getting dressed and heading off to bed. We'll see what tomorrow has in store for me.


I messed this chapter up so I'm reposting it xD So sorry! I didn't realized my computer didn't save the rest of the chapter. I'm currently working on the next chapter so I'll have it posted sometime today or tonight! :)

- Lots of love, Vanina

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