Grand Prix

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When I woke up I was greeted by my phone buzzing with a text message. I yawned, rubbing my eyes before picking up my phone, seeing Dan had texted me.

- Hope you got some sleep last night xoxo Call me when you wake up

I smiled, tapping the call button, putting my phone up to my ear and patiently waiting for him to answer. At least I hope he'll answer since it was the middle of the night in the U.S.

"Mia it's 4 in the morning," Dan croaked out when he answered the phone.

I shrugged, "You told me to call you once I woke up." I reminded him.

"Fair enough," He began, "How are you?"

"Alright, I guess. I could use a coffee, though." I said with a laugh.

He chuckled, "I think we all could use one."

"I could use at least 3 today, I'm heading off to a show anyway," I informed.

"When are you showing?" He asked quietly, probably making sure not to wake anyone up.

I glanced at the clock in my living room, "Around 7 but I'll leave pretty soon."

"Grand Prix?" He asked.

"You know it," I said with a grin. "Hugo's going to be excited." Dan and I kept talking, bouncing from topic to topic. I was leading the questions more since I always asked how the tour was going and such.

"You know, you should come along for the next tour," Dan offered.

"We'll have to see how my show schedule is, though, I know I don't have any shows in February or March."

"And we'll see whenever we start touring," He said.

I smiled, "Whenever 'soon' maybe," I teased. Even I didn't know when the second album was coming out, and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to come to any recordings.

Dan groaned, "Alright, alright."

"You do need to get a new perception of soon, though. Yours is either in 5 minutes or 2 years. There's no in-between." I reminded.

I could tell Dan wasn't amused, "Okay, whatever you say."

We continued talking for about 30 more minutes before Dan said he, at least, wanted to get some sleep. When we hung up I went off in my room, getting dressed in white riding pants, a Le Fash show shirt which was blue and white, and topping off with my Hermès belt. I grabbed my keys and show jacket and slipped on my Sperry's before heading out the door, stopping by a Starbucks to grab two coffee's, one for myself and the other for Ashleigh.


Once at the barn, I found Ashleigh, giving her the latte she asked for.

"You need to exercise Jaymes for me," She said once she took the coffee.

I frowned, "What did you do now?" I asked, looking at her ankle which was wrapped.

She smiled, "I feel down the stairs this morning and I think I sprained my ankle."

"Thank God you're not showing," I said, setting my coffee down and going out to grab Ashleigh's Thoroughbred. Though she wasn't into showing, she did have quite the horse and the story too. When she turned 23 she bought Jaymes as an Off The Track Thoroughbred, completely training him and now they're jumping around 1 meter.

I tacked up Jaymes, having Ashleigh sit inside the indoor arena so she could school me with her horse. Whenever I rode someone else's horse I always had the owner or their trainer watch since I didn't want to be doing something incorrectly.

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