See You

539 22 15

I was woken up by someone lightly shaking my shoulder, quietly saying my name. Groaning, I squinted my eyes open, seeing Dan.

"We have to go," Dan said, practically whispering.

I reached for my phone, checking the time, which read 4 AM. "Dan, why didn't you check last night?"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but we have to leave like right now."

Sighing, I sat up, rubbing my eyes before getting up and grabbing a jacket and brushing my teeth. I helped grab Dans carry on and took it downstairs. "Go start the car, the black Volkswagen in the driveway, I'll grab some food."

Dan took the keys before frowning at me, "Mia... The airport is 10 minutes away, 20 with traffic."

"I never said the food was for you, now did I?" I asked, looking through the pantry for granola bars.

He chuckled before going outside, it wasn't long before I heard the car start. I had grabbed three granola bars before stepping outside. I was greeted by freezing cold air, causing me to turn back inside and grab my coat which was hung at the front door. Before going to the car, I grabbed Dan's carry on and put it in the trunk of the car before taking my spot in the driver's seat.

The drive to the airport was quiet, I wasn't expecting either one of us to talk, it was four in the morning for crying out loud.


When we got to the airport Dan and I met up with the rest of the guys.

"So when are you guys coming back?" I asked quietly, brushing a strand of my dyed dark red hair behind my ear.

Kyle shrugged, "Around Christmas?" He asked, looking around at the other guys who gave a slight nod. Poor guys were too tired to function.

"You guys should get going," I mentioned.

"Oh, shit, yeah that's a good idea," Will said from behind Kyle.

I chuckled, giving the guys a hug goodbye, Dan giving me a hug last.

Dan hugged me a bit longer and tighter and when he let me go he placed a kiss on my forehead, something of a habit he's formed. "You'll text me, right?"

I smiled, "No, I think I'll delete your number."

"Please don't," Dan said with a smile.

"I won't but you better hurry your ass up before you miss your flight," I mentioned, seeing the rest of the guys groaning.

Dan glanced over his shoulder before giving me one last hug, "But make sure you clean up that mess from last night."

I laughed, "I will, I will now go!" I said pushing Dan off towards security.

He smiled before leaving, giving me a wave before disappearing around the corner.

I turned around, hugging my coat closer to me, the airport getting colder each step I took towards the exit. The place was practically empty, only a few people were rushing to get to their flight, others were just sitting around waiting for whatever.

Once I was home, I began cleaning up the mess from last night, getting towels and soaking up the rest of the water that lay near the sink. When I did finish cleaning it was already 5:20 AM, I saw no point in going back to sleep since I knew I couldn't sleep. Thankfully, my mom woke up at 6.

"Where's Dan?" She asked.

"I drove him to the airport at 4 this morning," I replied, sitting down at the kitchen bar.

She frowned at me, "You could've asked one of us to drive him."

I shook my head, "It's fine, it's become routine that I take him to the airport."

She smiled, "That's sweet." The way she smiled only meant one thing, she thought I liked him.

"I don't like him, just an FYI."

My mom rolled her eyes, "Come on! Yes, you do! He obviously likes you too."

"Oh really? How?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

She grinned, "Do you really want me to go on?"

I nodded, crossing my arms, feeling pretty confident that it was nothing.

She cleared her throat, "Well, first of all, whenever he sees you his eyes light up. You're always around each other, and not to mention what you guys did last night. Plus, he kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you." My mom went on and on, causing me to frown in the beginning before realizing he really did do all that stuff. Well shit.

"Alright," I said, holding my hands up in defense. "Maybe you're right."

My mom grinned, "Mother knows best." She stated before turning around to look for food in the fridge, "I'm going to the barn in an hour, you coming?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to talk with Ashleigh real quick and I'll be down." I explained, taking my phone out and rushing upstairs to my room.


"So you might like Dan...?" Ashleigh asked after I explained the whole situation.

I groaned, "I don't know, may- I don't fucking know."

"What does he do that makes you think that?" Ashleigh asked she started sounding like a therapist.

I sighed, "Well, he kisses my forehead whenever he hugs me, the way he looks at me whenever I'm talking about something I love." I began.

"Yeah, he likes you, Mia."

"Well thanks for the support," I said sarcastically. "What am I going to do?"

"What any other rational person would; make a move if you know for sure you like him. Or he can make a move, but knowing him, I think this job is yours." Ashleigh said.

"You know what, I'll talk with you later," I said before saying bye to Ashleigh and hanging up.

I could tell that I'd be up at 2 in the morning stressing over the bastard.


Ohhhh, I see a relationship in the future! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! c:

- Lots of love, Vanina

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