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It had been Friday when I finally decided to talk to Dan, giving me about two days to just think about what I'd say. But it was already eleven and I still haven't mentioned anything to him and I  only have less than 24 hours, since he's leaving for London tomorrow to kick off the start of the European tour.

I was settled at my desk in my room, working on a living room plan for a client in New York, when Dan peaked his head, softly asking if he could charge his phone because his had just broken. I chuckled a bit before pointing towards my charger and turning my attention back to my work, but I soon felt a pair of eyes watching me.

"That's nice," He said from behind me, Dan sat perched on the edge of my bed.

I swiveled my chair around to face him, giving him a smile which he returned as well. I took a quick breath in, finally deciding to talk to him, "I've been meaning to talk to you."

He immediately gave him his full attention, "Yeah, what's up?"

"About a couple days ago," I began, "I've been meaning to ask what all that was."

Dan's eyes dropped to the ground, staying silent for a second before speaking, "I-I was just kind of confused on how I felt," Dan began, looking for the right words to use, "I wanted to see if I had any serious feelings towards you anymore."

I nodded, pretty much already knowing since Kyle told me, "And do you?" I asked.

Dan stayed quiet for what felt like an eternity before answering my question, "I guess," He began before continuing, "I mean, yeah, I do."

Taking a deep breath, I got up and sat beside him, glancing over at him. "What do you want to do? Because I think I feel the same."

He sighed, "If you're willing, could we try again?" Dan asked, finally making eye contact with me.

I was quick to answer his question with a kiss, holding it for a bit before pulling back. Dan was obviously surprised, but he quickly kissed me back with his hands hesitantly wrapped around my waist. My hands found their way up to his face, gently cupping it, and things began to escalate quickly just like a couple nights ago. Though this time I didn't pull myself off of him, instead I let my curiosity get the best of me which ended with us in bed.

Come morning, I found myself quite content wrapped up in Dan's arms, a small smile coming to my lips. I checked the time, which read ten in the morning before wiggling out of Dan's arms and going off to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get myself ready. Once I was done, I was slightly surprised to find that Dan was no longer in bed, but the second I stepped out of my room the smell of coffee only made me smile brightly.

Dan was sitting on the couch, a mug in his hands, "I made you a cup," he said, smiling towards me.

I gave him a thank you before grabbing my coffee and joining him on the couch. He set his coffee down on the end table and drew me close with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hi," I said with a smile, leaning my head back to rest on his chest.

Dan smiled back at me, resting his head ontop of mine, "How are you?" He asked.

"Alright," I replied, taking a sip of my coffee, "You?"

"Good because I'm with you," He said, chuckling a little at his cheesy comment.

I laughed, setting my coffee down before turning to face him, "What are you, sixteen?" I asked, sarcasm filling my voice.

Dan rolled his eyes, "Close enough," He said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest, "Fair enough," I replied, before turning my attention towards the TV which was playing some movie Dan picked out.

For most of the day, Dan and I laid on the couch watching movies till his phone went off saying that he had a flight to catch. Both of us were up and moving, making sure he had everything packed and ready to go before we starting loading my car up. We left my flat at around four, the drive taking a total of about twenty minutes.

Both of us were found in the same situation as before, just this time Dan was leaving and not me. "You'll call me?" I asked after we heard the call for boarding.

He nodded, "I will when I land, and if I don't you can yell at me," Dan said with a chuckle.

I grinned, giving him a large hug, "I'll miss you."

Dan hugged me back just as tight, maybe even tighter. We stayed like this for a few second before he stepped back and placed a kiss on my forehead before grabbing his bag and heading towards the plane.

I immediately felt guilty because I didn't even get to ask what would happen to us. I quickly rushed to my car and once inside I let out a groan, grabbing the keys and starting the car before heading off back home, my head filled with confusion.

The second I got home, I stormed up to the flat, shutting the door behind me before pulling my phone out and calling my mom for answers.

"Hey," I started once she picked up, "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course," She said, her voice immediately filling with concern.

I quickly explained what had happened a couple nights again and just last night, "I don't know what to do, I'm just so confused and I feel like he's just left me hanging."

My mom sighed, taking a second before replying, "Mia, do you love him?"

"That's the thing I don't-"

She was quick to cut me off, "Ignore the fact that you slept with him and everything before that," She said, "Do you genuinely love him?"

I bit my lip, taking in what Mom asked in before replying with, "Yes."

"There's your answer, Mia," She said with what I could tell was a smile, "Just let things play out and it'll all go smoothly, trust me. Dan's a really good guy and he's not going to just leave you."

She was completely right, not a thing that came out of her mouth was wrong. "Thanks, I love you."

"Love you too, and don't rush things either!" She called, which resulted in me laughing a bit before saying that I wouldn't.

I hung up with her before falling down on the couch, taking a deep breath. I was pretty startled when Ashleigh came in who looked at me liked I just died, "What happened?"

I just shook my head, "Nothing. I just dropped Dan off at the airport."

She smiled, "So, how do you think it went?" Ashleigh asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pretty good," I replied, a smile coming to my lips. Yeah, this whole thing is going to work out.


Ayeee!!!!! I see things turning for the better!! Really hope you guys enjoyed and also a sorry on my part because this took so long to publish (Also appoligizes if this is really sloppy editing, I was short on time).

- Lots of love, Vanina

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