The Polo Team

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I was woken up by my brother opening up the curtains, letting the morning sunlight seep through the windows. "Brendon, let me sleep, for once please."

"Nope, dad wants you to play with the polo team for a game today." He replied, finally opening all the curtains.

I sighed, sitting up in bed. "I haven't played in 3 years and he really wants me to play a game?" I asked. My parents were close friends with the guy who owned the team and polo club, so, natuarlly he let me ride along with them and play a few games here and there whenever I could.

"Just do it for him? Okay?" Brendon asked, opening the door before leaving when I gave him a nod.

I knew I was going to ride on my trip here so I thankfully brought all my riding clothes. Before I got dressed I asked my mom for the team polo, in which she gave me the teams green polo, my name sewn on the back.

I got dressed in my Tailored Sportsman white riding pants, tucking in the polo shirt and putting on a brown leather belt. I put my boots on which I probably wasn't supposed to be using but I couldn't help myself. Hey, I didn't spend over  £1,000 for nothing.

After I was all dressed I grabbed my helmet and ran downstairs to find the whole family dressed for the occasion. We got inside my moms minivan and drove down to Saint-Lazare to the polo club's location.

When we arrived, my dad took me back to the barn where I was put on my old polo pony, Kylo. I put my knee guards on and my helmet, not bothering to put it in a hairnet. Kylo was already tacked up for me, I thanked the grooms since I always appreciated their work, and grabbed my stick before heading out for the practice ring.

I got on Kylo when I heard a voice from behind me, "You never told me you knew how to play polo."

I turned Kylo around and saw Dan standing at the fence line with a smile on his face, his hands buried in his jeans pockets. "Why the hell are you here?!" I asked, trotting Kylo over, grinning like an idiot.

 "Our flight was delayed for tomorrow and I decided to stop by and visit," Dan said, taking his hands out of his pockets and petting Kylo's forehead.

I grinned, "Well that's great! You can go and sit with my parents over there, I'm sure my mom will be happy to see you." I explained, pointing over to where the main polo field was and the group of people that were there.

Dan nodded before turning around and quickly finding my parents, my mom hugging him and starting up a conversation. I turned my horse around, warming up and getting used to riding with one hand and having a stick in the other. I took a couple hits at the ball in the field, watching as it flew across the field causing me to nudge Kylo for a gallop. I reached over my shoulder, hitting the ball the other direction. Looks like I was still pretty good at this.

After about 10 minutes of warming up, I met up with the rest of the team, going over a little game plan before we trotted onto the field, our horses getting quite excited. The announcer introduced the other team, having each player make a small circle while he read off their name, number, and where they're from. It wasn't long before he was calling out my team, starting with the captain which was Andre. I was the last out of the 5 team members to be called.

"And welcoming number 5, Mia Foster, long time no see!" Called the announcer who happened to be the owner of the polo club.

My family cheered me on as I cantered in a small circle before coming to a stop with the rest of my team. I glared at the ball from the back, listening as the whistle blew and all horses were off.


Lucky day for the team because we won! We took a picture together, holding up our polo sticks before getting off our horses and taking another picture.

I had asked the groom who took care of Kylo if I could groom him and cool him off, she gave me a pleasant smile before replying to me in French. "Aller de l'avant chéri."

I grinned at her sweet comment, thank God for my dad teaching me French. I took Kylo reins and began walking him back to the stables before I was joined by Dan, who was being followed by Brooklyn.

"You did awesome!" Brooklyn said with a huge grin, smiling up at me.

Dan nodded in agreement, "I knew you could ride, but dang, you've got guts for doing that."

I laughed, "Please, that's nothing compared to Cross-Country." I replied with, I never took compliments well, I always mentioned something else that was better than what I did.

Brooklyn was practically running to keep up with Dan and me, that was before Dan gladly picked her up, resting her on his hip as he followed me.

When we arrived at the barn, Dan set Brooklyn down, letting her pet and love on Kylo. Least this child was bound to ride later on. I hosed down Kylo, letting him get a drink of water as well.


"You can stay here Dan, it's really no problem." My mom said from the front of the car.

He shook his head, "No it's fine, I've got a hotel room. Thanks for the offer though."

I glared at Dan, "No, you're staying. If I'm not going to see you until Christmas, you're staying."

He smiled before finally giving in, "Fine."

Tonight was much like last night, we all sat down for a meal and a few drinks, my family catching up with Dan since they rarely saw him now. My parents, Brendon, and Alex, went up to sleep around 11, leaving Dan and I to do the dishes even though my parents said they'd clean up tomorrow.

"So when's your flight tomorrow?" I asked, giving him a clean dish to dry. We had a dishwasher, but doing the dishes this way gave me a chance to talk to him even though I did almost every day.

He thought for a second before replying with, "I think at 7...?"

I rolled my eyes, "Dan, you're supposed to know what time your flight is."

"The airport is 10 minutes away, I think I'll be fine." He said, putting one of the plates up in the cupboard.

I was putting away the pull-out faucet when my hands slipped, causing me to let go and I watched as the water got all over Dans grey wolf hoodie.

Well, shit.

He slowly turned around, his mouth open, looking like I just poured an entire bucket of water on him.

I smiled brightly, putting my hands in the sink and collecting bubbles. I walked up to Dan, flicking his nose and getting bubbles on his face.

"You bastard!" He called, wiping the bubbles off his face before grabbing the faucet and spraying me as well.

I squealed, turning around and grabbing a glass of water and tossing the water on his head. Dan just laughed, setting the fauct back in place before chasing after me. I turned on my heels, running through the living room and into the dining room before Dan grabbed me, pulling me off my feet.

He carried me back to the kitchen, the entire time I was wiggling to get out of his grasp, but being 5'3" wasn't helping me. Dan stopped in front of the sink, grabbing the faucet and putting it right above my head.

I jabbed him in the side, causing him to let go and stop the water. It wasn't until we heard someone coming down the stairs that we actually stopped.

My mom took a breathe whenever she saw us, soaking wet with a few bubbles on each of our heads. "I-I'm not even going to ask. Just get to bed you two." She said before returning back up stairs.

I glanced at Dan before bursting into complete laugher, "That was fun." I managed to say between laughs.

He soon started laughing along with me, before nodding his head, "We should do that more often."


Awww. I love them so much okay, bye. Two chapters in one day! I feel acomplished! c: P.S. Kylo is pictured above.

- Lots of love, Vanina

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