You Should Date Him

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Before heading off to my studio, I quickly went home and grabbing a pair of riding pants which were navy. After getting that, I went to my studio and began working website Ashleigh and I were making.

I got my camera that I left here and began taking pictures of the whole place. It was really just an old warehouse that we completely renovated for the owners. I will admit though, its some of our best work.

After taking a last photo, Ashleigh barged in, "why aren't you dating him Mia?!"

I rolled my eyes, setting my camera down. "Because I don't like him that way honey."

She stared at me, "yeah, sure. Okay. I totally believe that excuse."

I was about to argue with her before realizing how the hell she knew Kyles conspiracy theories. "He told you didn't he?" I groaned.

"Kyle and everyone else!" She beamed before getting to her desk and starting up the program we used to make our rooms.

I sighed, taking a seat at my desk and taking the SD card out of the camera and into my computer. "What about Dan?"

Ashleigh laughed, "he gets all red and nervous, it's the best."

I smiled, that's the Dan I knew. No matter who it was, if someone made the assumption that he fancied someone he would get red and shy and speak to no one. And whenever he did, he just stuttered.

After about 30 minutes, Ashleigh began helping me with the website, telling me where everything should go and if I spelled something wrong. Which I usually did because I type way too fast. Everything was going great until Kyle had to show up.

"Why are you here?"I asked, glancing at Ashleigh who just smiled.Then it clicked, "oh you bitch."

Kyle smiled at me before going around and looking at any plans that were posted as well as my photography. "Oh this is cool!" Kyle called, pointing at the black and white Ferris wheel picture I took a while ago.

I smiled, though it was old it was probably my favorite. "Why thanks Kyle."


Once we had most of our jobs done for toady, with help from Kyle as well, we headed to the barn. It was about a 30 minute drive, going through the countryside of London before finally reaching the gated barn. Though Ashleigh doesn't ride too competitively, she still kept her horse at a top-notch show stable.

Inside the barn, I immediately went to change pants, swapping my jeans for navy riding pants. After I got dressed I went to get Hugo, my gentle giant. Though I was only 5'4", I somehow managed to control a 5'7" horse. And that height was only to his back.

"I don't understand how you're not scared of these animals..." Kyle whispered behind me.

I smiled, "they can sense fear Kyle..."

"Well shit."

I gave a laugh, grabbing Hugo's halter while Kyle waited for me outside his stall.

"'Other People's Heartache'. I can't believe you actually kept that name for him," Kyle mentioned to me.

Grinning I replied with, "well, I wanted to represent my favorite band in some way."

Kyle laughed, "yes, and mentioning a mixtape that's 3 years old is a perfect way."

I shrugged, tying up Hugo to the chain that was hanging off the wall. "Well, I got him 4 years ago and didn't start showing until that mixtape came out. Not to mention, the name is pretty cool."

Kyle smiled, "I'll give you that." He said following me into the boarders tack room while I got my grooming supplies.

It took me a good 20 minutes to completely clean Hugo before I was able to tack him up. As I was putting on my saddle (which I spent a god damn fortune on), Kyle decides it's a great idea to touch it.

Alright, when it came to Kyle touching other stuff I really didn't care. But when it came to my saddle I will kill someone if they scratch it. "Don't!" I called, smacking Kyle's hand out of reach.

Kyle frowned at me, "Why can't I touch it? It looks soft."

I sighed, "long story short, I paid £5,000 on this. The last thing I need is someone to scratch the leather, which isn't fun to get out."

"Fair enough, but why did you spend £5,000?" Kyle asked.

"He has a sensitive back so I had to buy a custom saddle that only fits him and myself."


I was on Hugo when I saw Dan stand next to Kyle inside the arena. I gave a wave to Dan before turning my attention back to Hugo, who was so out of shape it wasn't even funny.

I started with just walking before moving on to trotting, making sure I couldn't feel any limping. "Is he favoring his left hind leg?" I called to the guys, trotting passed them.

They both shook their head, "he looks fine to me!" Dan called.

I had tough the guys to tell if a horse was favoring a leg when Hugo came up lame (sprained ankle for horses). As long as I couldn't feel it and the guys couldn't see it, Hugo was bound to make a full recovery.

Something we needed right now since I'd soon be training with 2 Olympics Belgian riders once they moved to London.

I pulled Hugo to a stop in front of the guys, smiling. "Oh I can't wait to be jumping again!"

Dan smiled, "least he's all better now." Dan said, putting a hand out to pet Hugo.

Kyle though, smirked and winked at me, mouthing 'date him, please'.

I tried to give Kyle a glare without Dan seeing, but failed miserably.

Dan turned around to Kyle, who was quietly kicking the sand under his shoe, acting like he didn't do anything."Just because I've known her for like 16 years doesn't mean I like, like her." Dan pointed out.

Kyle shrugged, "It kinda does, mate."

"Whatever," I replied, getting off Hugo and walking him back to the barn. Usually I'd laugh off Kyle's remarks, but for God's sake, he needs to fucking stop. I was able to peacefully untack Hugo, putting my saddle and Hugo's bridle for cleaning while I stuffed my saddle pad, half pad, and girth in the wash.

Once I had Hugo all cleaned up, I put him away in his stall, giving him a peppermint for being such a good boy.I went back to clean my saddle and bridle, Kyle and Dan sitting on the chairs next to the indoor arena. It wasn't until Ashleigh came screaming down the barn, scaring about every horse in the barn as well, where I nearly died.

"THEY'RE COMING!" She screamed.

I quickly ran up to her, shutting her mouth. "If you want to talk, be quiet child!"

She pulled my hand off her mouth before replying, "the twins! They're coming in 10 minutes!"

"What!? I thought they weren't coming until next month?" I asked her.

Ashleigh shook her head, a smiling going from ear to ear on her face.

Kyle chimed in, "who are these twins?"

"These two really hot Belgian riders!" Ashleigh explained.

Kyle laughed, "okay, calm down. I'm sure you can probably get with them."

I laughed, "yeah, maybe if they were 26 as well. They're only 21."

Dan frowned, "then why aren't you trainer with someone older? Someone with more experience?"

"One, they're actually really great with horses, and two we need to qualify for the Olympics as soon as possible. This is the closest opportunity the whole barn has." I explained.

"I call dibs on Olivier!" Ashleigh claimed.

I pushed her back, "uh, no! I called first!"

Ashleigh and I kept arguing one who we called dibs on, Kyle and Dan laughing behind us.This will definitely be interesting...


*secretly ships Mia and Kyle* enjoy the chapter guys! And keep up all the reads!
~ lots of love, Vanina

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