Send Them Off

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The night seemed to drag on, considering the fact I wasn't able to get an adequate amount of sleep, sleeping for about 30 minutes before getting up and tossing around. At one point I actually woke Dan up, or maybe I woke him up several times... I don't even remember.

It was around 10 when Dan had gotten up, thankfully not bothering me to get up since he knew I need some sleep, which I thankfully did get some sleep, sleeping in till about noon when I finally got up. I found Dan in the other room, scribbling lyrics in his notebook, occasionally playing a few notes on the piano.

It wasn't until Dan turned around that he finally noticed me, "I made some pancakes by the way."

I nodded, "thanks," I said with a smile. "How's the song coming?" I asked, giving a nod towards his notebook.

Dan shrugged, "alright, but never mind the song, how are you? You barely slept."

"My shitty brain kept me up, but I did get some sleep, don't worry about me," I said, walking over to Dan and sitting next to him on the piano bench.

He wrapped his arm around me, hugging me closer. "You're my girlfriend, how can I not be worried? Not to mention you're flying today."

"Thanks for being concerned for me," I said with a laugh, "But I'm fine, I can always sleep on the plane."

"Please do," Dan said, giving me a small kiss. "Now go eat, please."

I smiled, getting up and ruffling his hair before heading off to the kitchen where I prepared my pancake, which wasn't burnt! The rest of my morning was spent quietly, just listening to Dan poke at the piano occasionally playing what he had on the computer.

And of course, the time came when we had to leave to the airport, this time, it was me leaving and not Dan. We packed all my suitcases in Dan's car before driving to the airport. Ashleigh moved to Toronto a couple days ago so she could unpack and get the flat ready, she also took all the animals so they could get used to their new surroundings. Once we arrived at the airport, we just sat silently, waiting to hear the announcer make the call for boarding for my flight. Within 30 minutes the call was made, saying that they were ready for boarding, making a few more announcements that didn't pertain to me.

The second I stood up Dan gave me a tight hug, not letting me go until I let out a small laugh.

"Sorry," Dan said softly, holding my hands when he pulled back.

I shook my head, "Promise me you'll stop apologizing for everything you do?" I said with a smile.

He shrugged, "can't keep that one."

I smiled, "then just promise me you'll call me at least once a week?"

"I'll call you every day," He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I replied softly, hugging him tightly.

Dan hugged me tighter, not letting go but whispering an 'I love you'. He continued to hug me for a couple more seconds before letting me go, kissing my cheek as well.

I pulled back, giving him a final kiss before saying goodbye, this one definitely the hardest. I turned around, grabbing my bags and heading off towards the plane, looking back over my shoulder to see him smiling and waving me off. As boarded the plane, I rubbed my eyes and cursed under my breath, "Dammit Mia, It's not like you're breaking up."


Wow, that title, I'm so clever :) Anyone, thank you so much for some of you being oh so patient with this update! I will say that now that I've started high school I won't post too often, the most being 3 updates in a month, but don't quote me on that, I could post more, I never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

p.s. keep that ending in mind ;)

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