Chapter 5

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Vanessa POV:

I woke up and I felt something heavy on me... What the...? Oh it was Selena, what was she doing in my room...? Anyways I got up put a jacket on and went to the kitchen. Harry was making food. He made scramble eggs, toast and a bowl with slices of fruits in it. We all eat, today was Saturday and for my suprize the boys dint have to do anything today, so we decided to go to the pool.

I went to my room finding Selena still sleeping... I went over to her and woke her up. She went to her room to get change. I put on my black bikini and after all had thair swimsuits on we went to the pool. 

Selenas POV:

I remember that last night  I went to my room because I was very tired... The door was lock. I knock on the door, scream and try to find a key put nothing work. You could already feel my flustration, then I heard someone laughthing. I should had know, my brother Zayn was doing what he thought it was fun when he lived with us, he lock me out of my room. It was useless trying to get in, so I decided to go to Vanessas room and feel asleep.

I heard foot steps but I just ignore them, it was probably my sister that woke up. I hear some more foot steeps that slowly fade away. I dint want to get up, I was tired of last night dealing with my door...

After a while I heard foot steps again and then someone began to poke me, then move me. 

"Selena... Selena... Selena wake up..." Vanessa said.

"hmm..." I said.

"Go put your smiwsuit , we are going to the pool." Vanessa said.

I got up and went to my room, which was know open and put on my light blue bikini. Then I walk downstairs and the boys showed us were the pool was.

I decided to sit at a chair to sun-tan, I love doing that. I was looking at a magazine, when I heard Vanessa and Ashley laughthing.  When I look up Vanessa was on Zayn sholders and Ashley was on Harrys shoulders and they were pushing each other until they both feel in the water.

Niall POV: 

I saw that Selenas was looking at Vanessa and Zayn. I went behind her.

'Bo!"I said.

"aaaaah!" She said and the magazine that she was reading feel on the floor.

I began to laugh and she glare at me. 

"Come on" I said.

"where?" she was looking at me confuse.

I went over to her and pick her up, then I jump in to the pool with her.

"NIALL!!! the water if freaking cold" she said.

"To bad for you!" Louis said.

She glare at him. I began to laugh.

"So you think this is funny Mr. Horan?" she said.

"Well yes I do Selena." I said.

We began to slapsh each other with water and swim away from each other. Selena was really fun.

Vanessa POV: 

I went out side the pool to get my towel and I slip, then I heard a noise, that horrible noise... Then I felt the pain, I broke my left ankle. It hurt so bad and I started to cry. Louis came, he was concern and he ask me what was wrong. The words dint came out I just pointed at my ankle.

Louis told everybody about it and they got out of the pool and went to get change. He also called an ambulance. The ambulance got to the house in like 30 minutes. 

We got to the hospital and the doctor began to cheeck my ankle. He put me a violet cast and told me that I had to wear it for 1 week. yay... me... note the sarcasms.

We went home and I sat on the couch putting my ankle on one pillow, Zayn gave me some pain medicines and a chocolate shake. After I was done I felt sleepy because of the medicines and feel asleep on the couch.

I was woke up by the sound that the front door made when it got open and the voice of a girl.

"Eleanor!" Louise said very happy and giving the girl a bear hug.

"Louis!" Eleanor said while hugging him back and giggling.

I was trying to take a better look but then I fell on the ground, that hurt. 

"OWW" I said.

Louis and Eleanor came to were I was laying.

"Are you ok?" Eleanor said while Louis was helping me get on the couch.

"Yeah... Thank you" I said.

"This is Eleanor, my girlfriend" Louis said.

"Hi I am Vanessa, Zayn sister" I said.

"Nice to meet you" Eleanor said.

"Well I have to leave you girls alone, I have to go with Simon" Louis said and gave a kiss to Eleanor.

I was in the house only with her apparently the girls went to buy food and the boys were with Simon. Eleanor was really cool. We had the same age, she had amazing fashion style. We talk about how she meet Louis and that she was very happy and he was an amazing boyfriend. She also told me that Harry was the one that introduce them. 

I told her that I was living with the boys because my mom went to live with her boyfriend and I also had to explain how I got my ankle broken.

 Ashley POV: 

We got hungry and Vanessa was sleeping on the couch. When we went to the kitchen there was barely food. Twinkie... had eat it... The boys were with Simon so I decided to get Nialls keys and went with Selena to get some food. Louis was waiting for his girlfriend in the house, so Vanessa was not going to be alone.

We were in the suppermarket getting food and suddently a lot of paparazzi appeared and began to take pictures of me. Selena was terrify she just began to hug me from behind. I try to get out of the place and a lot of cans began to fall. All we could hear was:

"Are you dating Harry?"

"Is it official?"

"Whats your name?" 

"Who is with you?"

It was very annoying, I honestly dont know how the boys can keep up with all this crap. I began to run with Selena to the car with the paparazzi behind us. Then they began to yell:

"Why do you have Nialls car?"

"Is the other girl Nialls girlfriend?"

"Are you with Harry or Niall?"

All I could think was shut up shut up shut up. I began to drive fast until I couldnt see the paparazzi anymore.

Vanessa POV:

Eleanor and I turned the TV on, it was on the news channel. When I saw what they were saying, my eyes went big, I was shock...

"OMG" Eleanor and I said.

"Who are they?" she ask.

"My sister and Nialls sister..." I said.

We just keept watching the news and couldnt believe what was actually happening...

Simon POV:

I show the boys what was happening in the news channel and they were in shock. I told them that we needed to do an intreview so they can clear that up. They agree and I told them to go home and that I will text them when and where the intreview was going to be.

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