Chapter 11

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Ashley POV:

oh no... selena was pregnant. This was all my fault, I feel so bad...

"I am so sorry selena..." I said

"w...w...what?" selena manage to say between sobs.

"this is my fault..." I said.

"no...its not..." selena said

"yes it is if it wasn't for my stupid idea of having a party you wouldn't be in this situation..." I said

"its my fault for not being carefull..." Selena said.

I gave her a hug. I can't explain how bad I feel about all of this.

Selena wanted some alone time to think. So me and the girls went to the mall to clear our heads off from all the drama that was happening. I just realize I need to grow up.

selena POV:

I don't know what to do... should I keep it, should I put it on adoption... should I get an abortion... I don't know I don't know, I am to young to have a baby. Why dis this happen to me. I was thinking about calling my mother but who am I kidding she is probably with her stupid boyfriend... I should calk Justin I mean that would be the best thing to do. I picked up my phone and called him.

"hello sexy" Justin said

"hi... I need to tell you something. " I said

"you want to have some fun tonight babe" Justin said.

"no! listen to me, this is serious." I said.

"what?" Justin said

"I... I... I am... pregnant..." I said.

"you are kidding right" Justin said

"no no I am not and its your!!" I said

"no way" Justin said

"Justin my first time was with you." I said almost starting to cry.

"well in that case honey I got news for you can get rid off the baby cause I am not losing my career because if a hoe like you and a stupid baby and you would be a bitch if you keep it." justin said and hung up.

I threw my phone to the wall making the screen break. I felt miserable... I was on the floor crying not able to stop. This was horrible what was I going to do.

He look so innocent like a nice guy, he was my celebrity crush. I let him take advantage of me and look what happen, I am stuck with a creature at a young age...

I had so much anger that I got up and took all of the Justin bieber posters that I had and broke them and began to throw them.

Niall POV:

I heard sounds in the second room, so I got up from the couch and went to selenas room. when I open the door she was throwing stuff. I went to calm her down.

"shhh... selena is ok..." I said giving her a hug.

"ahhhhhh! no is not!! " she said.

"shhhh calm down" I said rocking her hoping she would calm down

after 5 minutes she calm down and she had puffy eyes. I dint like seing her like this it breaks my heart.

"what happen?" I ask her

"you... don't know?" selena said.

"know what?" I ask

"niall..I am... pregnant. .." selena said

"what??" I ask in shock

"I got drunk at the party and stuff happen and now I am 16 and pregnant!!!" selena said.

"it will be ok, we will all help. but you need to tell the father." I said.

"I already did and he wants me to get an abortion. " selena said.

"no! don't do that!" I said

" what am I suppose to do he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby." selena said

"who is this jerk?" I ask with anger

"Justin..." selena said

"that son of a bitch, I use to admire that guy." I said punching the wall

"niall calm down, could you just hug me. I need a hug this is all so fuck up... ow!" selena said

"are you ok?" I ask worry

"yeah, the baby just kick, you can feel it if you want to." selena said taiking my hand and putting it on her belly. it felt nice, it was amazing how there could be a human being in there.


I have never done this but I think I should give it a try. I believe they say there is a firts time for everything (:

soo I got 2 questions for you guys:

1) what do you think of the story so far?

2) who is your favorite character and why?

Hope you guys like my story please vote and feel free to follow me (: (: (:

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