Chapter 10

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Harry POV:

It was 8:00pm and I was at the hospital with Ashley, she look so peaceful. She started to slowly move and after she open her eyes. I smile at her.

"what?" she ask

"oh nothing" I said

"you are not going to try to kiss me again right?" she ask

"not unless you want to" I said

"good" she said and laugh

"Ashley... I was thinking that we could be more than friends... maybe... if you want to..." I said

"not so smoth now styles, well I gues that behind all the insults I kind of like you back" she said

"so what are you saying?" I ask

"we could give it a try" she said

"Yes!!!" I said and she look at me weirdly

"I mean cool, is cool" I cough

She started to laugh.

"Baby you light up my world like no body else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelm. But when you smile al the ground it aint hard to tell you dont know your beautiful, thats what makes you beautiful."

I sang to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smile.

Selenas POV:

I woke up at 6am I felt nauseous, it was horrible. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I bump in to Louis, I look at him and I felt it coming. yeah... I vomit all over hid shoes.

"El... We have a problem" Louis said.

"what happen?" Eleanor ask running up the stairs.

"umm..." Louis pointed at his feet.

"let me go get stuff to clean it up, Lou dont move. Vanessa!!!" Eleanor said.

"what?" Vanessa said.

"please help your sister clean up" Eleanor said.

"ok" Vanessa said and help me to the bathroom and went to get new clothes.

"I feel like a mother" Eleanor said laughing as she clean the puke.

Vanessa came with new clothes and stared at me with concern.

"what?" I ask

"do you remember what you did at the party?" Vanessa ask

"barely, why??" I ask

"do you remember what you did with justin?" Vanessa ask

"making out" I said

"its that all, are you sure??" Vanessa ask

"are you trying to ask me if I had sex?" I ask

"well you are hungry all the time and now you are vomiting and feeling nauseous" she said

"I dont remember if I did it with him..." I started to cry.

"calm down, go to your room and I'll get you a pregnancy test" Vanessa said

I went to my room and Iay on my bed. I had a lot of emotions at the same time. I dont want to be pregnant I am only 16...

After half an hour Vanessa came in with a bag. She took out the pregnancy test and handed it to me. I went to the bathroom and pee on the stick. We had to wait a little to see the results. I handed it to Vanessa I was scared to look at it. She look and gave me a face that I already knew the answer, I was 16 and pregnant..

"ELEANOR!!!" I scream.

"what? is everything ok??" she ask with Louis behind with a base ball bat.

"Louis I dont want to be rude but can you please go" Vanessa said

"ok ok, I get it girl talk" Louis said

"yeah thats totally it" Vanessa said and he went down stairs to watch TV.

"whats wrong sel?" Eleanor ask

"im... im..." was all I could say.

"your what?" she ask concern.

"I am pregnant..." I said and handed her the pregnancy test.

"omg selena... do you know who is the father?" Eleanor ask and sat down with a hand on her head.

"we think it might be Justin Bieber..." Vanessa said.

"you have to tell him and we got to tell your brother" Eleanor said

I started to cry, I was scared and confuse. I dint even remember having sex with JB and I dont know how he was going to react about it. We haven't talk since Elean or kick him out of the house. Zayn... oh Zayn I dont even want to think what he is going to say to me. Mom... well she is obviously not going to care at all since all she cares is about her stupid boyfriend John...

Ashley POV:

The nurse came in with some papers. She looked at the monitors and started to write stuff. She look at me.

"ok ashley horan you may go home" she said.

"yay!" I said

Harry went to sign the papers so I could get out of the hospital while I got my clothes on. I was happy, no more hospital food, no more being alone in a room plus I got a boyfriend. In reality even back then when I said it was annoying when he flirted with me I actually like it because I had always had a crush on Harry.

We got home and I went upstairs I heard ssomeone crying. It was from selenas room. Eleanor and Vanessa were trying to calm her down. When I look around there was a pregnancy test... oh no... Sel was pregnant...

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