Chapter 23

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Niall POV:

Another month pass and Ashley is still in coma, the doctors dont know if she will get out of comma or not. I have talk to my mom and she is really worry. She wants to see Ashley but because of her work squedule she cant come. 

Right know I am at the studio with the boys, we are recording a new song. Its called best song ever and is going to be our new single. After this like my usual mondays since the accident I go to see Ashley to the hospital. I really hope she gets better.

"Maybe is the way she walk, right in to my heart and stole it" Harry sang

"OK that was good, now everyone sing the chorus" Simon said

"And we dance all night to the best song ever..." We sang

"ok guys, you can go now" Simon said

We got out of the place.

"Want me to go with you this time?" Liam ask

"yeah sure" I said

"meet you guys later at the house, I am going to go with niall to the hospital" Liam said

"ok" the lads said

We arrive at the hospital one hour after.

"good afternoon, we are here to see ashley horan" I said

"and you are?" the secretary ask

"niall horan, I am her twin brother" I said

"oh ok, she was move to room 456-D" she said

"ok thanks" I said

We got in the room and the doctor was inside.

"Niall... I am afraid to tell you that the possibilities of her waiking up are 5%" the doctor said

I was speechless, I walk out of the room and just began to walk in the hallway. Liam keept talking to the doctor.

"Niall we should go home" Liam said

I dint answer I just gave him the keys of my car and gave them to him and follow him. When we arrive home I went straight to my bedroom.

Selena POV:

I went to sleep early today, I was very tired. Suddently I began to feel a strong pain in my belly. I began to move in the bed feeling uncomfortable. I felt something like water in the bed. I open my eyes and I was in shock. I think I was in labor and it hurt like shit.

"VANESSA!!!" I scream

"what! what happen?" Vanessa said and it look like she came running to my room

"I think I am in labor" I said

"are you sure? " she ask

"yes I am sure, look" I said

"omg! Zayn!!!" she scream

"what ?? what ???" zayn said still kind of asleep

"go get the car ready, selena is in labor" vanessa said

"what!!! I am not prepared for this" Zayn said

"i dont care go get the car" vanessa said

"let me just fix my hair" zayn said

"NO" vanessa and I said

"Gosh fine" Zayn said and went to get the car

"I cant walk..." I said

"omg... Niall Louis!!!" Vanessa scream

"huh?" Niall said

"what is wrong with you??? why are you screaming?" Louis ask

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