Chapter 28

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Liam POV:

It has been 3 days since Simon spoke to Zayn and me about needing to get girlfriends. I decided to go to the park, I was really streess. I just dont want to pretend, I dont want to be with someone just because management wants me to. I started to jog when suddently I bump into someone.

"I am so so so so sorry" I heard a girls voice say

"dont worry, it was my fault. I wasnt paying attention to where I was going." I said. "here take my hand" 

"thanks" she said

After I help her up I grab a soccer ball and handed to her, then I notice a bag and I also gave it to her.

"thanks again" she said and smile.

I look at her again and I notice she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She had big brown chocolate eyes and wavy brown short hair.

"My name is Liam" I said 

"mine is Ali" she said

"soo...I guess your in to soccer?" I ask

"yeah, actually I am kind of late for practice, thanks again" Ali said and started to walk away.

"wait!" I said

She turn around and stare at me.

"can I have your phone number?" I ask a little nerveous

"well... thats kind of straight forward" she giggle and waited a second before saying anything."sure" she said and smile. 

She grab my arm and took a blue marker and wrote something.

1(800)567-8955 Ali <3

"I'll be expecting a call or a text after I waisted some of my maker ink" Ali said and laugh

"dont worry, you will hear from me soon" I said

With that Ali started to walk away.

Wow... she is beautiful... Wait... Liam this could be your special girl. But we just met, but she seems so nice.

Ali POV: 

I just got from school to my house. I am 17 and I am currently in my senior year. As I look at the clock it was 5:25pm. Shit! I was going to be late for soccer practice... ughh...

I dint have time to shower, anyways I was going to have to shower again after the practice. I change into my white and blue uniform.

"Ali you are going to be late!" my brother scream downstairs

"I am coming give me a second" I said

Were is my bag, omg were is my bag. I got down on the floor and look under  my bed. JAJAJA found you! I grab it and put my stuff inside. Now were is that soccer ball...

"Ali come on! " My brother yell again

"I am coming" I said

I remember that I had put it on my closet and walk down the stairs just about when my brother was going to scream again.

"Josh I am here calm down" I said and laugh

"yeah laugh about it little sis, your not the one who is going to get yell by the coach" Josh said

"anyways why are you in such a hurry, you have absolutely nothing important to do" I said

"got a date" Josh said

"typical..." I said and ran to the car before Josh could catch me

Josh got inside the car in the drivers seat.

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