Chapter 27

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Niall POV:

I was with Selena and the babies in the house. Zayn and Liam went to talk to Simon and Louis, Eleanor and Vanessa were shopping. Harry was gonna take a walk in the park.

"hey sel, need some help?" I ask

"yeah, can you please pass me the wipes?" Selena ask

"sure" I said and gave her the wipes

Selena sat down in a chair with Emely in her arms while Aaron was sleeping in his crib. 

"soo.... about the other day..." I began to say and selena look at me. "I am sorry" I said and look away

"its ok niall..." Selena said

"no its not ok to just kiss someone and besides you probably see me as a brother anyways..." I said

"niall is really ok" Selena said

"sel..." I said

"yeah niall?" selena said

"I like you are more than friends" I said

"what?" was all she could say

"I know this must be king of weird and you probably dont feel the same way but I have always had a crush on you" I said 

"niall... I like you two but know I have the babies" Selena said

"it doesnt matter, I'll help you take care of them" I said

"but I dont want to put thet responsability on you" selena said

"you wouldnt be putting any responsability on me, I would love to take care of the babies" I said

"niall you are like the sweetest guys ever" Selena said

"so... Selena Marie Malik would you like to be my girlfriend?" I said

"yes" selena said and smile

I went over to her and hug her being careful not to hurt Emely. Then Aaron woke up and I went to him and carry him and started to rock him back and forth.

Liam POV:

Simon send us a message today, he needed to talk to me and Zayn about something.

"so simon why are we here?" Zayn ask

"well you see, you two have been single for a long time..." Simon said

"and...?" Zayn ask

"I am giving you two a week to find a girlfriend if not management will get you one" Simon said

"yeah girlfriend time!" Zayn said

"wait if we dont get a girlfriend by the time, you are just gonna put us with someone?" I ask

"yes, that is what management said" Simon said

"but what if we dont like her or she is rude or something?" I ask

"well if you dont want that to happen just get a girlfriend" Simon said

"like is that easy..." I said

"why do you think we have been single for a long time" Zayn said

"well boys either you get a girlfriend by two weeks or management will set you up with someone" Simon said

"ok we understand..." I said

"ok lads you may go now" Simon said

We got up and went to Zayns car. On the ride home we just started to talking.

"can you believe simon?" Zayn said

"yeah I mean like only 2 weeks to get a girlfriend?!?!" I said

"I know..." Zayn said

"I dont know about this... I dont know..." I said

"I just hope if we dont get girlfriends the ones that management decide for us to have are nice" Zayn said

"we could only hope..." I said

We were close to the house and saw Harry walking in the park that was near to the house. Zayn honk and stop the car.

"harry, want a ride home?" Zayn ask

"yeah sure" harry said and got inside the car

"soo how what simon wanted?" Harry ask

"he wants us to get girlfriends by two weeks" I said

"so it looks like you guys and simon are on the same page" harry said and laugh

"yeah I guess" I said

"the thing is that if we dont get girlfriends by 2 weeks management will choose our girlfriends" Zayn said

"ohhh.... that kind of sucks but it can also be benefitial" Harry said

"What do you mean " I ask

"well maybe you guys get to be with a hot babe, you know management" harry wink and we all laugh

"true but still I would like to choose my own girlfriend" Zayn said

We arrive home Harry and Zayn sat on the couch and turn on the TV and I went to the kitchen and took some Doritos I was kind of hungry.

Eleanor POV:

"we are dancing and shopping" Louis was singing/ screaming

"louis omg" Vanessa said and we laugh

Louis grab a clown nose and put it on."El look now I am a clown that... is dancing and shopping" he started to sing/scream again.

"Louis you are crazy" I said and laugh

We all went to burger king and put on the crowns that they give.

Me and Vanessa order nuggets with a milshake and Louis order a hamburger with a milkshake.

"what are we doing in the mall anyways?" Vanessa ask

"nothing, just getting away from home for a while" Louis said

"really? I though you say we needed to do something important" Vanessa said

"well the reality is that we wanted to leave niall and selena alone to see if something happens" I said

"soo we decided it was the perfect day, since Zayn and Liam had intreviw and Harry was going to take a walk in the park" Louis said

"so the only thing missing was to convince you to go the mall with us" I said

"thats why we said it was really important for you to come here with us" Louis said

"so... basically you two are playing cupid" Vanessa said

"yeah pretty much" Louis said

"ok then..." Vanessa said and we keept walking to another store


Hey guys you can still comment if you want to be Zayn or Liam girlfriend (:

Just put your:




-what you like to do

-Liam or Zayn girl

-do you have any brothers or sisters

On episode 28 you will know one of the girlfriends. So next episode I will tell one of the girls who won the contest to be Zayn or Liam girlfriend. 

Please comment if you want to be one of their girlfriend, the competition is still open until I start to write episode 28.

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