Chapter 57

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Niall POV:

I was watching "Finding Nemo" with Selena and the twins.

"fish" Aaron said

"yeah the frish" selena said

Then Liam came to the living room holding alis hand. They stood infront of us just smiling.

"What's going on...? " I asked

"Liam and I are moving together!" ali said

"what?" selena asked shocked

"we already look at houses and we really like one" Liam said

"so this is really happening?" selena asked

"everyone is moving out" selena said

"sel it's ok" I said to her and gave her a hug.

"you are right. You are actually happy for you two. Liam is a good guy, take care of him for us" selena said

"you sound like a mom" Liam said and chuckled

"I am a mom" selena said in a duh tone and pointed at Aaron and emely.

"ignore him. Don't worry sel I will take goor care of Liam over here" ali said

"ok I believe you" selena said

"Thanks sel" ali said and selena hugged her.

"well guys congratulations" I said

Zayn POV:

"is it really ok for me to move to your house until we move to Australia?" Paris asked

"there is only one month left until we move so yeah is ok" I said

"will it be ok with your sis?" Paris asked

"are you kidding me, in selena world the more is the merrier" I said

"if yoy say so..." Paris said

"it's going to be ok. My sister likes you and soon we are going to start a new chapter In our lives" zayn said

"you always know what to say don't you" Paris asked

"I try" I said hugging her from behind.

"soo...?" Paris asked

"right, let me put your stuff in my car" I said

I grabbed her luggage and put it on my car. We got in the car and went to the house.

I entered the house with Paris.

"oh no not you guys two! I can only handle one at a time" selena said

"niall what did you did to my sister?" I asked

"I din't do anything" niall said

"and why is she like that?" I asked

"Liam is moving out with ali" niall said

"we bought a house" Liam said

"congratulations!" I said

"Thanks" Liam and Ali said

"we were wondering if I could stay here until we move" Paris said

"yeah you could stay" selena said calming down.

"I told you she wouldn't mind is staying here" I said

"the more the merrier" selena said

"you know her so well" selena said

"well she is my sis" I said

"so when arw you two moving?" Paris asked

"actually we came to get my stuff" Liam said

"do you need help?" Niall asked

"yeah" Liam said

Me and Liam went upstairs to help him.

Paris POV:

Niall and Zayn went to help Liam upstairs and us girls were in the living room.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay" I said

"no problem, besides this is not my house is the boys house. I am actually glad you are moving in." selena said

"I din't know you were moving" Ali said

"in one month me and Zayn are moving to Australia. I got a modeling job offer and uncle Simon is going to UK for another season of the X-factor" I said

"ohhh well congratulations on the jib offer. Your uncle has a cool job" Ali said

"I know! I wanted to follow his footsteps but my mom is obbses with me being a model" I said

"believe me I know that Ashley probably feels the same way right now but in a different sitiation" Selena said

"how come?" I asked

"her mom isn't exactly the most easy person to deal..." selena said

"ohh... I thought my mom was difficult but she practically threw me out of the house" Ali said and we chuckled

"even your dad was ok?" Selena asked

"yeah... probably is the fact that my brother and sister are older that me and they still haven't move away" ali said

"that's understandable" I said

niall POV:

"so Liam how far is the house?" I asked

"oh is 45 minutes away from here and 20 minutes away from her parents house" Liam said

"cool, so you are not going far away" zayn said

"yeah" Liam said putting some of his stuff into boxes.

"Zayn I din't knew you were moving away" I said

"I am moving to Australia" zayn said

"how come ?" Liam asked

"Paris got a job offer and since we are done with the contract I decided to go with her" zayn said

We finish putting the stuff in boxes and went downstairs and put them in Liam car.

"I guess this is it" Liam said

"I guess so" Ali said

"we are going to miss you" selena said and hug them

"good luck" Zayn said

"congratulations" Harry said

"Harry?" Paris said

"you were the wholr time in the house?" zayn asked

"yeah but I was naked in my room din't feel like putting clothes on" harry said

"typical harry" selena said and we laugh

We each said our goodbyes and Liam and Ali went to their new house.

Zayn went to his car and went to get Paris stuff out and went to his room.

"so what now?" Harry asked

"we could go eat something" I said

"ok let me get my jacket and the twins" selena said

I went to zayn room.

"hey" zayn said

"we are going to eat something out, do yoy guys want to come?" I asked

"yeah" zayn said

We went downstairs and Selena, Harry and the twins got in my car and zayn and Paris went in zayn car.


Hey guys thanks for reading (:

Thanks for all the votes and comments <3

Not updating till I get 5 more votes and 5 more comments.

1) who is your favorite character and why?

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