Chapter 10

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Pain was all I felt right now. In the past I have had previous boyfriends that I really did like, when we broke up it wasn't a big deal. We both had agreed that it was better to move on. I don't think I have ever had a real hardcore breakup. This wasn't even a breakup because we weren't even dating. This was the breakup of a agreement and for some reason it hurt a lot more then when Jeremy potter told me in the seventh grade I was a terrible girlfriend. Maybe I looked into the agreement to much. A part of me knew that Dylan was playing me, but another part of me thought that he was attracted to me and maybe wanted the agreement to turn into a relationship.

I really liked Dylan even though I would never admit it. He made me laugh and look forward to school in a new and exciting way Lindsey couldn't. Dylan made my least favourite subject into my most anticipated one. I know I sound like an over obsessed teenage girl, but everyone has one of those relationships where everything just feels right. Not only was he a friend but he and I always kissed. It was one of my favourite things about Dylan. His kissing skills were amazing. I bet you Dylan doesn't even care. He is most likely at some girls house, making out. I bet you he told all friends that he got sweet old Cindy to finally fall for his charm.

In a matter of five minutes my mood changed from sad to angry. I want to make him pay for being a ginormous asshole. I am about to teach Dylan a lesson. I called Lindsey to come over, telling her it was a code red.

A few minutes later I saw Lindsey's car in my driveway. My eyes were still puffy from crying so she knew something was up. "Cindy what happened, are you alright?"

"We are going to get revenge on Dylan" I simply told her before explaining what had happened.

"No way, you and Dylan had like a friends with benefits type of thing. I can't see it. I knew you guys were weirdly friends, but that. My mind is blown" Lindsey said, still in shock. "So what are we going to do to get revenge"

"Revenge, I don't know if we should do revenge. We just kissed when ever we wanted, it wasn't a breakup."

"Yes, but he was an asshole for doing it. You guys were practically dating and he took you to Taco Bell. That's messed up" Lindsey replied. You could tell she had a little bit of sarcasm in her voice, but she was dead set on the revenge plan.

After two hours of bickering about what to do, Lindsey and I decided on a plan. She was going to make me look hot and I was going to ignore Dylan. I would try to not even to spare a glance at him. When I go to school I don't really put in a big effort, usually I just wear a sweater and tights or jeans, with my long hair down. My makeup was almost nonexistent. Some foundation and a little bit of lipgloss. I guess Lindsey was going to do my hair and get me a hot outfit. A huge part of me thought this was a terrible idea, but you can't say no to Lindsey. The plan was, Lindsey would come over super early and make me over before school.

I woke up at 6:00 am the next morning and took a quick shower. Lindsey would be here at 6:30. Where I live it's not very warm. The hot outfit Lindsey was going to pick out for me was going to not be so hot or make me freeze my ass off. I was kind of hopping for the not so hot one. When Lindsey arrived she quickly gave me my clothes to change into. The outfit she gave me was a long sleeved, pastel blue crop top and a white, pleated skirt. I have to say it was a very cute outfit.

"So what do you think?" I said as I came out of my bathroom fully changed.

"Damn girl you look smoking" Lindsey said. She curled my hair and did my makeup amazingly. I had English with Dylan today so I guess I will have to show him what he's missing.

I walked into the school with the same amount of nervousness as when I walked into school the weekend after I told Dylan I thought he was hot. People were staring at me differently. I was the girl who could be really pretty but choose not to try according to a girl in my science class. I had a little burst of confidence in me.

I went to my locker to get my science textbook. When I was doing the combination, Dylan approached me. "Cindy you look nice today" he said, almost like he didn't skip English to kiss another girl. In my mind I'm thinking ignore him, he's a jerk. There is a part of me that wants to say thanks and give him a little kiss on the cheek.

I opened my locker, pretending that nobody was around me. Dylan hasn't moved though. "Are you ignoring me?" Dylan said waiting for a response, "Cindy it wasn't like that, this girl told me that you needed help in the bathroom. I went and she started to talk to me about you. I was a little confused to why you weren't in there but I thought something bad had happened to you so I stayed. When you walked in she started kissing me, I forgot for 1 second to not kiss her, I swear." He said.

I didn't know whether to look him in the eyes or not. Right now I was just fumbling with stuff in my locker. "Cindy please look at me, please babe" Dylan pleaded with me.

When he said babe my heart almost exploded. I could tell from the misery in his voice that he was telling the truth. I didn't say anything to him but locked my eyes with his. I could see hurt in his. I wasn't sure if I wanted to forgive him just yet, I mean I dressed up all hot and everything.

"I believe you,"I said. Dylan leaned it for a kiss, but I stopped him."but I don't forgive you. Your going to have to work harder to get me to kiss you again" I didn't allow him to give me a response, before I walked away. I saw the girl who kissed Dylan in the halls. She gave me a smirk. I decided to ask her what really happened.

"Hi-uh I was just wondering what happened yesterday." I said to the girl sweetly, not wanting to cause any drama.

"Oh, Dylan and I kissed" she said dumbly.

"Why and how?" I said with venom.

"I just said 'Cindy has had a accident in the bathroom' and he came. But, when he saw you weren't there he didn't hesitate to kiss me" The girl replied. I could tell she was lying because she wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Really, can you look me in the eye and tell me that"

"Whoops got to go to class" She said as the bell rung just in time to save her.

Okay Cindy, you now know Dylan only went to the bathroom for good intentions, but kissed her for one second. I am debating weather or not to forgive him. Maybe it would be better to just take a break from Dylan for a few days. He was already starting to warm my heart before classes even started.

I successfully avoided Dylan for the whole day up to English. If he looked at me in the halls and tried to smile, I would look the other way. I sat with Lindsey and my friends. The only time I looked Dylan in the eyes was when a guy tried to hit on me and flirt with me. I played into it because I knew he was watching. When this guy asked me on a date I simply said no. The guy walked away mortified. When Dylan saw this encounter he looked at me with a smile as to say 'I knew you still liked me'. The whole encounter got me thinking, we both have feeling for each other even if it's just attraction, but we have never talk about them. It was just lets kiss. If Dylan and I become friends again I might bring it up.

The bell rung after gym and I knew I would have to finally face Dylan, I mean we sit together for god sakes.

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