Hand In Mine

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I fixed the whole duplicate issue by giving the proglouge it's own sub-section, sorry for the confusion :/

*Present Day (Bethany’s POV)

I sigh and rest my head on my hands.

“Well Bunny, today’s the day.” I say to my rabbit who sits in his cage by the foot of my bed, completely uncaring as he munches a carrot.

I stumble to my closet, looking for something to wear, to make a good impression on my new professors as well as to my new classmates.

Never in a million years did I ever imagine this to be my life, college. But after Mom through me out to spend more, “quality time,” with her new husband-my stepfather, Rick, I was left with no choice. I’d had jobs since high school, mostly at hot topic and even once as a secretary at a tattoo parlor, mostly because I got an employee’s discount. Anyways. Mom basically hired the rent and constantly nagged at me until I could no longer possibly live with her, or else my head would have popped off and went running through town screaming obscenities.

I finally decided on a black Nirvana T-shirt with the smiley in the middle, (The professor’s would know them, and the classmates who were worth my time would too,) and a pair of my skinniest, but most comfortable black jeans. I quickly put on mix-matched socks, paying no attention to their colors at all and my original all black Vans sneakers.

Quickly, I through my black long hair into a messy bun, leaving the blonde highlight out, so that it framed the left side of my face. Stuffing my Iphone into my pocket, I walked into the bathroom attached to my small 1 bedroom apartment and did my makeup like I always did, purple smokey eyes and a skin tone blush, topped off with the best lengthening mascara I could afford. I brushed my teeth and made my way into the kitchen where my cat, Nancy, sat waiting to be fed.

“Morning Nance,” I patted her back and she purred in response as I filled up her food dish.

With no time left to make coffee and wait for it to brew, I decided I’d just pull into Starbucks on my way to the campus. I grabbed my car keys off the small shelf by the door and out I went.

On my way to…college. 

A/N Bear with me if you think this is boring so far, character development is essential! It will get better, I promise!  That photo over there is how I imagine Beth's hair would like while it is down, (I couldn't find a picture of it up,) that is not though, how I imagine her looking, just the hair(: Thank you for reading and please COMMENT and  VOTE on this story. 


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