As Days Fade, and Nights Grow

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Wow, I didn't notice the amount of reads on this story until now. I mean, its far from famous but I'm happy with the amount it has! Thank you so much! On the with this chaper~ 



Today's the day. I'm leaving her alone here to get back to college. My art is important to me, and if I want to get somewhere with it I need the proper education. I trust Bethany, she's perfect and flawless and innocent, but I worry about the thoughts in her head sometimes. 

What if she has a panic attack while I'm finishing this semester and I'm not home. What if she hurts herself again, what if she goes too far? I swallow the lump in my throat so I can wake her and tell her I'm leaving and that I made coffee for her. 

Shaking her gently, I whisper, 

"Beth, wake up. I gotta go." 

She sits up rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her hair piled on top of itself, sticking out at seemingly impossible angles, yet she was still as beautiful as ever. I smiled at her and she sticks her tongue out at me. 

"Have a good day." She says, going to kiss my cheek. Now, I'm a guy so naturally I turn my head so she captures my lips instead. She's surprised at first, but kisses back, smiling. 

"Don't miss me too much." I wink as I walk out the door. 

"I won't!" She yells back. 


How I got so lucky? I don't know. But I did. I feel happier today, a weight is lifted from my shoulders. I smile, making mysed a cup of the warm coffe that already sat in the pot, Gee made it, obviously. I glance out the apartment window, kids riding skate boards and bikes, some walking to their classes. I lean against the counter, happy that I'm not them. I check the front and back doors, making sure they are locked and shut, just a paranoia I have, especially being here alone. 

I don't bother getting dressed, but I do brush out my hair and put on some makeup before settling into the couch with the blanket Gee and I sleep on and turning on Peter Pan, my favorite movie. 

I hear the front door handle rattle halfway through my movie. Everyone is supposed to be in class, why is anyone coming by at this hour? Are they here to check for alcohol. Whoever it was grows impatient and they start banging on the door. Looking through the peep-hole I spot a very frustratred Frank and let him in. 

"Jesus, took you long enough!" He yells, running down to his room. 

"Sorry! I wasn't expected someone in the middle of the damn day, Frank." I say as he arrives out in a change of clothes and a ciggarette in his mouth. 

"Where are you going? Don't you have class?" I ask as he makes a break for the open door. 

"Yeah I have class, Beth. Does it look I care?" He says, slamming it shut behind him. 

"Bitch!" I yell, and lock the door back up, returning to my movie after grabbing my phone. 

-Frank just came in all upset over something, says he's skipping.- 

I text Gee, and get a response almost immediatly. 

-Did he go in his room?- 

-Yeah, why?- 

-I'm on my way-

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. What could be so awful. I try to not think about it as I watch my movie, soon I hear Gee's key turning the lock and he runs in, in a hurry to kiss me. 

"What's going on?" I almost laugh, he seems so dramatic about everything. 

"Stay here." He walks down to Frank's room and comes back, pale faced. 

"Beth, there were drugs in there. They're gone now." 

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WERE DRUGS IN THERE GEE!?" I yell, becoming hysterical. How could he? He promised! 

"Beth, I swear I bought them before your dream. I asked Frank to keep them in there and I was going to get rid of them with you today. Beth, please listen to me." He tries to cup my face in his hands, but I bat them away. 

"NO! Don't touch me! Y-you liar! You lied to me!" I say, running into our room. I'm leaving, until Gee can get his shit together. 

It's the drugs, or me.

Demolition LoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora