We Could Take To The Highway

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I hadn’t talked to or looked at, either mysteriously intriguing boy in two weeks; however I couldn’t stop thinking about either of them. I found myself slightly attracted to both of them, which scared me.

If Bethany Wood was known for anything, it certainly wasn’t her romantic charm.

Most of my classes were a drag, and I only had Photography 3 days a week, I didn’t think I had any other classes with the boys; then again, I didn’t look. However I had almost every class with Ray and his fro of mystery.

So, seeing as how we hadn’t spoken in weeks, I was surprised as Gerard and Frank approached my desk together when nameless professor dismissed us. Gerard seemed smaller today, somehow.

“Hey Beth.” Frank smiled, but his eyes did not.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I asked , while simultaneously eyeing Gerard suspiciously, he still hadn’t talked. Frank leaned closer to his equally mysterious friend and nudged him,

“Say something,” he whispered.

“Just headed home.” I smiled nicely, placing my notebook into my backpack slinging it over my shoulder.

“I’ll take you!” Gerard shouted, everyone left in the class turned to look suspiciously at us. Frank laughed it off and told Gerard to cool down.

“No thanks,” I said jiggling my car keys, “got a car to bring home.”

“Oh, well maybe we could all just hang out then, right Gee?” Frank added, seemingly trying to reassure Gerard-or Gee-rather than asking me a question.  I mulled it over, I could say I had homework, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to do it anyway. I could say I had to visit my mother, but I figured they’d read the lie as soon as it came out of my mouth. Quite honestly, I hadn’t ‘hung out,’ with anyone in what felt like years and being invited somehow gave me a nice feeling.

“Sure, sounds great, I’ll follow to your house?”

“Dorm, we’re walking.”

“Okay, dorm, I’ll drive.” I laughed and walked out the door with my new friends. Woah, friends??

I found my car and through my bag into the passenger seat, and then into the back as Frank climbed in front. The still silent Gerard slipping silently into the back.

“What building?” I asked, scanning the endless aray of dorm buildings that surrounded the main campus.

“B. I’ll show you where to park.” Frank said. It felt weird with them in my car, and even weirder that Gerard was being so quiet.

-       -    -

The 2 bedroom dorm shocked me. It was much larger than I would have imagined and, having been the home to 2 mid-twenty year old boys for nearly 2 ½ weeks, was immaculate.  I didn’t spend too much time contemplating the details of it though as we all sat on the couch with a box of pizza on the coffee table in front of us.

If it was possible, I grew more uncomfortable with the situation and pondered an idea to get myself out of it.

“I-um I have to go feed my cat.” I mustered, standing and brushing pizza crumbs from black tunic style dress, red leggings, which matched the scarf I also wore, underneath. I kept my eyes glues on my Vans as I felt 4 eyes rest on me.

“Come on, Beth.” Frank begged. Gerard glanced away as soon as I looked his way. I sighed and plopped down again on the end, next to Frank who lazily draped his arm over the back of the couch, but not quite over my shoulders. Gerard flicked on the TV and stared blankly at the news, Frank pried the remote from his grasp and found some WWII movie to watch.

Gerard said nothing throughout the whole thing, and when it finally ended, his silence was driving me insane. It was dark out now, but I didn’t quite want to leave any longer.

“Can I use the bathroom?” I asked, not really directed it towards anybody.

“Down the hall, second door on the right.” Frank answered, pointing behind him.

As I made my way down the hall I heard someone get off the couch behind me, and soon after, hands on my waste, Gerard’s breathe in my ear. 

“Shh.” I squirmed but said nothing to him, my heart began racing in my chest as his touch sent a raging fire through my veins, and a panic to my brain.

“Gerard, please let me go.” I asked him quietly.

“No can do Bethany.” He said, squeezing me small frame even tighter. I shivered and begged Frank to turn around and realize something was off.

Gerard guided me to the end of the hall and into a bedroom, the doors lined with magnificent sketches that made your mind work to find their message. Once there, he let me go. I walked around and ran my hand over a few of the sketches.

“Like?” He asked, suddenly full of words. I was angry. He can’t just act like he’s going to kill someone, or worse himself and then turn around like this in about .2 seconds. I turned around rapidly and noticed his demeanor change at my angered features.

“Why did you do that?” I snapped.

“Do what?” He asked, but a smirk played at his lips.

“Act all, all sad and what not!” I half-yelled-half-whispered.

“Why Beth, I have no idea what you are talking about,” he paused and made his way toward me again, putting his left hand to my forehead he asked, “are you feeling alright?”

I smacked his hand away and pushed past him into the living room and started toward the door.

“Beth?” Frank looked up from whatever he was doing.

“Sorry Frank. Going home.” I said, probably a little too rudely and walked out, but not before I heard Frank sigh, “God Gerard, what did you do this time?”  

A/N  I just want to apoligze for my Fro jokes throughout these first few chapters. I love you Ray..please forgive me. Anyways, I'm sorry for any spelling or oddly phrased sentance, I try my best to proof read but there is only so much I can catch. 




my story please(: 


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