Until The End of..

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          A/N Okay so here is the deal with this story. It’s been a while since the last update, I know, and I am really sorry, it sucks to wait, I know that too. I’m going to be skipping ahead to Gerard and Frank’s Christmas break though because I don’t want to bore into a hole with filler chapters. xoMeadow


          I decided to go home with Gerard over winter break, I still didn’t want to tell my parents that I dropped out, and was looking for a job as a merch girl, just to get out there and be involved in music. After all, we’d be able to spend our 3 month anniversary together. Not that 3 months was really a big step in relationships nowadays, but the way it steal felt new and exciting whenever he touched me was a big step. A lot of the time, at least for me, that new feeling never lasted so long.

          Frank got better a lot quicker than anyone could have ever expected. He was really lucky we got to him when we did, I knew Gerard would have probably gone through hell if he lost his best friend.

          Right now, Frank was driving as we headed toward their hometown. I was looking out the window, watching the houses go from shitty, to shittier and the people standing outside go from sober to wasted. Frank kept shaking his head when we’d pass a drug deal,

“He never was good at being private about his drugs deals.”  He said as we passed a black man handing something, presumably drugs to a young girl. She was probably only around 16 years old, poor thing.

“Oh.” I said. Frank chuckled and kept on driving.

Gerard was laid on the backseat, his head in my lap and feet against the window on his side. He’d been the last one to drive, insistent on taking over my turn. He was so sweet sometimes, but now he was so tired. I kissed his nose playfully and as I did, his eyes fluttered back open, giving me a heart attack in the process. He lifted his head up and connected his lips with my own, sending those butterflies whirling around in my stomach, just like the first time.

“Well,” I huffed, “good morning sleeping beauty!” I smiled at him as he sat up, looking out the windows to get a bearing on whereabouts we were. I knew we were close when I saw the sign that said, “Now entering Belleville, a Great Place to be Alive.” Of course I knew from stories that Belleville was not a great place to be alive, in fact, people were killed every day. I felt like telling Gerard he should paint the sign over to say, “Now Entering Belleville: You’re lucky if you Make it out Alive.” But he said something before I could make my ironic joke.

“This is my old neighborhood. Wow.” He said. We turned down a street that probably hadn’t seen repairs since before Gerard was born, the car bounced all over, making me smack my head on the window.

“Are you alright?” Frank asked, swerving around some kids skateboarding in the middle of the road.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I told him, rubbing the sore spot on my head.

“Come here,” Gerard beckoned me to move closer to him, and then placed a kiss where I hit my head. I blushed and kept my head in his lap, looking up at his perfect pointed nose and beautiful eyes. Those timeless, artistic eyes that always held such beauty and such torture all in one glance. I had grown particular fascinated by them, I even went as far as to try and draw them one day, but failed miserable and threw the drawing away.

We turned into a short driveway at white house with a small red porch, and matching shutters. Three people, who I could only guess to be Gerard’s Mom, Dad and little brother, Mikey were sitting there waiting for our arrival. Gerard said how happy his family was for him to finally be with someone who made him happy and stop the drugs.

I climbed out of the car, wrapping my sweatshirt around me in the process, the air was frigid. I was attacked by a short woman, with graying hair, she was slightly pudgy, but she was beautiful. She hugged me so tight I thought I might pop. I heard Gerard chuckle as he settled a hand on my shoulder, causing his mom to relinquish me.

“Please don’t kill her.” He said to his mother and kissed my cheek. I blushed like mad and his mom just continued to look at me.

“She’s beautiful, Gerard.” She said. I felt like some type of specimen, under

observation and so I was grateful when Gerard finally began introductions as Mikey and Mr. Way came up behind Mrs. Way.

“Mom, Dad, Mikey, this is Bethany.” He said, and I looked at him. The smile on his face told me everything I hoped he felt. He was proud of me, showing me off to his entire family, it felt good, being a point of interest for once in my life.

“Hi,” I smiled and waved awkwardly to the family who shook my hand and said hello back.

“Well come on, let’s get your pretty girlfriend out of the cold huh?” Mrs. Way suggested, and ushered us into the small but comforting family home. 

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