And Then I'd Say To You:

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I took notess throughout Photography, not because I was all that interested, but because I was beyond bored out of my mind. The boy to my right, Ray, I think his name was, had some freaky hair. I was worried that maybe a new species of bug might crawl out any time and start eating my ears off or something. He clearly wasn’t paying any attention to the lesson at hand, instead he was writing what appeared to be music notes, possibly a song, into his notebook.

The girl on my left seemed to be that typical good-girl-goes-to-college-and-does-everything-mommy-tells-her-to, I had no interest in finding out more about her. Taking a break from being a good student, I scanned the room. I took in a little more air than normal, then awkwardly choked on it when came to the bottom right corner of the room.

“Ms. Wood?” The professor, whose name I hadn’t bothered to remember asked, making the s drag into a ‘z.’

“Sorry Sir.” I said, pretending to take notes again, embarrassment forming in my face as the kid in the corner snickered. It was him, him as in creepy-rapist-pizza dude, as I had described him to my friend Mackenzie earlier this morning. After a few moments, I glanced back at him. He was still smirking right at me, what was his deal. He winked at me as another boy with dark hair sitting next to him looked up, noticing he was staring at me. Suddenly the intercom shrilled in static announcing an early dismissal due to flood warnings in the area. As I gathered my belongings, both boys approached my desk-the unfamiliar one got their first.

“Ignore him, he’s really a nice guy.” He promised me, smiling sweetly. I just nodded my head as the other one, Gerard came up behind him.

“Hey Frankie.” He said to the shorter, quieter one. So that was his name. Up close I noticed he both a nose and lip ring.

“What’s your name?” Gerard said, in a way that made me semi-uncomfortable. He could tell he made me feel uncomfortable and he inched himself closer to me, despite my desk being in his way.

“My name? Oh, um, I’m Bethany but I go by Beth most of the time.” Smooth Beth, smooth. I mentally smacked myself for how I answered.

He smirked, Frank punched him hard in the shoulder.

“Aw, leave her alone Gee,” he paused, “well see your around then, Beth?”

I nodded headed toward the exit nearest to wear my car was parked. I felt weird, uncomfortable, it was that kid, Gee, something was odd about him. Something was just not quite right, besides the fact he tried coming on to me right after we met, I could tell there was something else behind that bad-boy-player act. 

Just want to thank you all for reading, again, and remind you to VOTE and COMMENT on my story please. Find a nice Frankie over there and enjoy your night/morning, more updates soon! ~fuenciadofrerard~

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