And I Feel Like There's Nothing Left to do

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A/N I just realized at the beginning of a few chapters back, I had said they were in Beth’s apartment, but then continued to say Gee had torn up his own drawings in his room. So just to clarify, they are in fact, in Frank and Gee’s dorm/apartment on campus or whatever you may call it. Sorry for my foolishness.---

Frank ended up sleeping over, to help me when Gee woke up, because by 10 pm, he still had not. I woke up early, and quietly slid from my blankets on the living room floor to start coffee in the kitchen. It was weird making coffee in their old maker, mine was so new and all I had to do was pick a flavor and hit a button. Frank was snoring softly on the couch and so I figured I’d go check on Gee.

When I entered his doorway, he was sitting at his desk, head buried in a drawing, erasing and sketching like there was no tomorrow, and with his habits, there might not be a tomorrow for him.  I knocked lightly  on the open door and he jumped slightly in his chair, before turning around, and when he did , his face instantly fell into a mope of guilt and sadness. Taking caution, I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

“I’m so fucking sorry Bethany.” He said and stood up to hug me. The hug was not a ‘friendly hug,’ but one where he wrapped his arms tightly around my waste like he was afraid I’d float off if he didn’t keep me grounded.

“It’s alright Gee, I-“

“No! It isn’t alright, what if I did something to hurt you, I , I would never be able to live with myself!” He yelled, obviously unaware Frank had stayed. I knew that he probably couldn’t remember much of what happened, besides the fact he got very very intoxicated and very very high on, whatever was in the bag. I stood still and looked at my thumbs as I twiddled them, as a nervous habit I had developed. Gee grabbed my chin gently and forced me to look up at him, which caused me to blush, and then him to smile.

“Why, Bethany, you feeling alright? For your face seems to be the color of a tomatoes.” He laughed and dramatically felt my forehead as if checking for a fever. I pushed him away, playfully,

“Same old Gerard, I see.” He just chuckled and then looked down the hall, which Frank was sleepily making his way down, rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes.

“Oh hey Gee.” He said when he saw us, standing a little too close together. He raised in eyebrow in my direction and I just shrugged it off as I stepped around him.

“Talk about last night over coffee?” I suggested, they both perked right up, beating me to the kitchen.

-       -    -    -

“So what were they this time?” Frank asked Gerard as we sat on the couch in their small on-campus-apartment.

“Honestly,” Gerard took a shaky breath and then released it, “I don’t remember. And I don’t care. But I saw things.” He said, eyeing my closely.

“Like what Gee?” I mentally faced palmed, for I sounded like a complete therapist, and I hate therapists.

“Just saw things as they really were. Not like, imaginary creatures. But everything became so true, and once it becomes true, it becomes a nightmare. A real life nightmare.” I nodded, not to show I was listening, but because he was undeniably correct. 

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