Until the end

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We're walking down the street hand in hand, checking every corner, alley way and abandoned buisness place for Frank. Gerard is worried, and that makes me worried. I had no idea Frank was on the drugs too, I had trusted him, but then again, I had trusted Gee as well, to get rid of them. 

"He'll be okay." Gerard mutters, squeezing my hand a little as comfort, but I think it's more to comfort himself, not me. 

"Frank?" I call out cautiosly, as we pass the last alley on this block. This makes block 2, still no sign of Frank anywhere. 

As we begin to turn the corner we here a faint whimpering, and me and Gerard look at eachother with the same terrified and relieved expression. 

It's coming from the alley we just walked passed, possibly the darkest one in all of the city, of course Frank would choose that alley to get wasted, or high or whatever the hell Gee would call it. 

Gerard releases my hand and steps into the alley slowly, 

"Stay there." He tells me, I don't argue, I'm sure as hell not going down there, unless I abselutley had to, like if Gee was getting hurt, then I'd have to. As Gee works his way into the abyss, I find myself regretting my explosion at the apartment, I love Gerard, and I trust him. And I know he trusts me, we've barely been apart lately except for today, I'd know if he was back on the drugs. I made a mental note to make sure he knew I was really sorry and then averted my attention back to alley way. 

A few minutes later Gerard was dragging a very bad looking Frank from the alley, he had blood coming from his nose and lip, had he been beat up? 

He also looked like he had been injected with something, heroin? I knew Gee hated needles, so I knew that wasn't in the house. Something else had happened out here tonight..

"We have to go to the hospital, go get the car, meet us back here." Gerard kissed me quickly, after setting Frank on a nearby bench.

"I love you." He said, he was panicked though. So I took off sprinting for the apartment. 

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