Into Your Icey Blues

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          I collapse with a sigh onto the couch in my small living room, parched and tired, I order for some Pizza to be delivered. College may have been even worse than high school was, although most people don’t wait 5 years to return to school, I couldn’t imagine it being too different if you went right out of highschool.

I had three of my courses today, History, Graphics and Photography (which I was majoring in.) Although I really wanted to do something with music, I found that Photography was more realistic, despite the fact I’d always been a little unrealistic myself.

I was snapped from my thoughts of professors and the homework I knew I wasn’t going to do by the static that came over the intercom. Not hearing what Maylan, the secretary in the lobby of my apartment complex, said the first time, I pushed the button and said;

“Sorry what was that May?”

“Your pizza is here, send him up?”

“Yes please, college tired me out so much I can’t even make it to the elevator.” I laughed as I released the button and grabbed a 10 dollar bill as I for a knock on my door, signally the arrival of the pizza.

When I heard the knock I jumped from my spot on the floor, startling Nancy five feet in the air.

“Sorry Nance.” I laughed as I undid the lock and opened the door, the pizza delivery man peering around me into my house to see who I had been speaking with. I laughed nervously.

He was attractive, which made this awkward moment even worse, as I felt my cheeks grow red, and he just kept looking at me. His hair was dark black, like it had been dyed that way, His eyes, orbs of blue, green and brown all swirled together as if Piscasso himself painted them onto his soft looking skin. They made me self concious about my own dull blue eyes, which I then realized this pizza man, who's name tag read "Gerard," was staring into. I snapped my gaze to the ground.

“Um, hello?” He said, sounding annoyed. I laughed nervously again, a habit I had in awkward situations.

“Sorry, how much?” I asked, signally for him to place his delivery bag on the counter just behind me. He did.

“Depends on what kind of payment you have in mind.” He smirked, leaning back onto my counter on his elbows. I through the 10 dollar bill at his face before pushing him out of my apartment, creep.

“I need the delivery bag.” He said, standing just inside the door, hand out ready for me to place it there. I groaned and took the pizza from the bag and chucked the red and white checkered thing right in his face before closing the door and locking all three locks.

I made myself a plate, but suddenly wasn’t so hungry. I sat at the small table glancing towards my door every 30 seconds before finally disposing of the pizza I didn’t eat, shoving the box into the fridge and locking myself into my bedroom. I called my mom after changing into booty shorts and an old softball shirt from when I played for my town league.

“Hi Mom, how’s Rick?” I said, trying to sound curious and happy like a good daughter was supposed to do.

“Wonderful.” She said bluntly. I sighed and tried to stay cheerful.

“How’s Gambo?” Gambo was my childhood dog, I knew he was getting up there in numbers and just wanted to check in on my old friend.

“He’s not yours anymore why do you care?” She snapped. I heard Rick calling her in the background. The line went dead, no goodbye, no have a goodnight, no I love you. I was used to it, but it still hurt a little each time.

Setting my phone to charge, I gabbed Bunny from her cage and let her hop around my bedroom floor while I attempted my Graphics homework. After 5 minutes, I gave up and put Bunny away. I crawled under the covers and dozed off.

A/N Thank you so much for reading, please COMMENT, VOTE and give me FEEDBACK on how I can improve my story in anyway at all. ~fuenciadofrerard~

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