Chapter 2

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(Newt POV)

I avoid riding with Tommy to school. Something about him hasn't been feeling right lately,was it my fault? These thoughts override my mind as I walk through school,my books clutched against my chest. I couldn't be too obvious,give anything away.

As I reach History I see a notice for a Spring Dance. I sigh and shake my head,I had to fit in.

"Newt!" Thomas runs towards me. He looked perfect,hair spiked up and he was wearing the Converse I had bought him for his birthday,then blue jeans,a band shirt and a checked flannel over. I smile as a warmth spreads through me,his arms wrap around my waist as he kisses me. I kiss him back as he intensifies the kiss,I didn't want to pull away. I wouldn't pull away. My hands stroke his cheek and roam through his hair,I'm about to push myself against him when a noise stops us-

"Guys!" Sonya laughs as she walks towards us "When's the wedding?"
"Excuse.. Me?" I stutter.
"I'm only joking dummy!" She laughs as she watches us both.
"I should go," I whisper as I walk into class,not looking back.

(Thomas POV)

I had been friends with Sonya since we were six. She was someone I could trust. We sit together on the Brick wall which faced towards the grass pitch for our free period.

"I remember when we first met," she smiles as she nudges my shoulder "I was taller than you then,and faster."
I chuckle and look down "I remember."
"And I remember when Newt came,I'd never seen you so happy. I'd give anything,to love someone like that."
"No.." I shake my head as she looks at me curiously,raising her brow.
"You think you've got everybody fooled don't you?" She asks,locking her eyes on mine "Not me Thomas,I've know you too long. And no matter how many times or how hard you try to deny it,I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you. So tell me that you love him,because I know you do. Newt.. This is Newt. Who's somehow gotten in under the wire,and that's what's happened. Admit the truth. You love him don't you?"


(Newt POV)

He doesn't love me. Tommy doesn't love me yet,after three years. So I can't know how I feel.

"Newt!" Mr Janson calls out as I snap out of my focus "Can you tell me how many people died on the Titanic?"

Easy: The ship could have stayed afloat had only four compartments flooded... Five became flooded. 1,503 people total died, including passengers and crew. One of the first lifeboats to leave the Titanic carried only 28 people; it could have held 64 people. Of course I couldn't tell him what I truly knew,I had to lie.

"I don't know sir," I lie,looking down.
"Newton," he says sternly "Would you come here please?"

The class floods into conversation as I walk to his desk and I sit down opposite,he clamps his hands together and sighs,
"I know you knew the answer Newt,I know you know every single thing about History. You're an A* student,one of my only ones. Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
"Nothing sir.."
"You don't have to dumb yourself down for people to accept you. I've seen it,"
"I'm sorry.." I whisper and look down.
"That's okay,you can go and sit back down now,"
"1503," I answer and smile nervously at him before walking back. Sitting down as I look up at the clock. I just wanted to be with Tommy.

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