Chapter 21

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Sorry about this chapter in advance. Btw please comment I like hearing from you guys!!

(Newt POV)

I walk into school and see Minho.

"How did it go last night?" I ask.
"Well," he shrugs as he opens his locker.
"Where's Brenda?"
"Period cramps. She went to the doctors,"
"Okay," I shrug it off as I see a Green Day album in his locker "Minho,I thought you hated that music,"
"Well Brenda likes it so I thought I'd give it a go,"
"Do you like-"
"I just think it's cool!" He snaps and walks off.

I smile and walk to my own lesson. Theo wasn't in. Little bloody idiot. I roll my eyes and sit down as I begin to crack on with the work alone.

(Thomas POV)

I sit with Minho in the silent English class. He just smiles as he texts someone.

"Who ya texting?" I ask as I nudge him.
He smiles and pushes me away playfully "Just Brenda,"
"Isn't she at the doctors?"
"Just waiting to go in. She's doing a speech soon for a few people,I helped her organise it,"

He texts her for a few more minutes then puts his phone away.

"Thomas can I ask you something?"
"When you first liked Newt how did you know?"
"Minho,you've had crushes before right?"
"Yeah. Of course. Like,one quite big one on Harriet and a few girls in movies,from party dares and my old girlfriend Beth. That's all,"
"When you like someone properly. Trust me,you'll be able to tell. If she's smart enough she'll like you back. It's amazing,I promise,"
"I hope so,"
"Minho,I know so,"

The bell rings as we walk out.

(Minho POV)

"You coming out to the pool for free period?" Thomas asks.
"No,I'll wait for Brenda," I smile as I lean against her locker. Sitting down cross legged as I begin to draw a smiley faced girl,she's beautiful. She looks like Brenda.

I wait for about fifty minutes as Brenda walks to me. Her face is pale and she looks like she's just been sick.

"You okay Brenda?" I ask as I stand up,walking to her.
"Fine," she whispers. She's strong,I never knew what she was feeling truly. I nod slowly.
"You want to hang out?"

We walk to the grounds and we sit down under a tree. She lies in the sun,eyes closed gently as I lie beside her. Taking her hand. Some part of her didn't seem like Brenda at all. Like some part of her was missing or had broken.

(Flashback-Third person-Brenda and Minho are fourteen)

Brenda smiles as she looks at her reflection- her dark hair cut short. She'd wear thousands of bracelets and necklaces,with tight black jeans,boots with chains and large bands shirts. She liked herself like this,it didn't matter to her if people didn't. But it did hurt.

She walks down the school halls to receive stares. The simple insult of names like: "Emo" "Goth" "Freak" "Vampire" and other crap like that.

"Ignore them," Minho smiles as they walk out of school together,the way home to Minho's house. They walk to the back and sit in the shed Minho had,still used today. It was full of old but comfy furniture,an old pool table,peeling posters and a few spiders there and then. They sit down on sofas opposite each other.

"I'm sorry they're such shanks," Minho sighs.
"Why are they?" Brenda whispers.
"I don't know Bren,"
"I remember when I first met you. I wasn't fair to you Minho,"
"I wouldn't let you be Tom's friend,I thought you were gonna let him down. But you didn't,and now you're my best friend too,"
"Brenda,listen to me," Minho takes her hands "It's okay,"
"I'll never hurt you again Minho. I promise,"
"I know you won't,"

(Flashback over-Back to present day- still in Minho POV)

We get through the day and all Brenda did was act like a complete bitch,either ignoring or snapping at me. I walked home and left her,even though we lived next door to one another. I sit in my shed as I bounce a soft ball against the wall,looking at the photos I had up in frames. There were some of Thomas and Newt,me with them and photos of Brenda. I smile and admire her beauty.

"They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

Ohhh yeah!"

This song is played so bloody loud. I gasp and place my hands over my ears,what the hell? I knew it was Brenda from next door. I hold my ears as I stumble round,I notice all the other people on the street demanding answers from this deafening volume she's playing the music at. I run to her room to see she just stands there faced away from me.

"Brenda I am fucking sick of this!" I snap "What is wrong with you!?"

She turns to me and mumbles out something,I can't hear her at all.

"What did you say?" I question,I couldn't hear her at all. Her eyes tremble to even look into mine.

"Cancer!" She yells "Okay,I've got fucking cancer! I've told you now. I've told you. It's cancer Minho!"

The tears well in my eyes as she falls to her knees,crying into her hands. I couldn't process anything. My entire body seemed to shut itself off,it seemed to be breaking. I felt like I was drowning. I refused to believe this.

Not Brenda.

Not her.

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