Chapter 13

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So btw guys my updates are now maybe 2-3 times a week. I'll try to make them long but last week when I started the story I had the chance to update a lot because I had the week off school but now I'm back so I have a lot to do. Just wanted to tell everyone.

(Six days later)

(Thomas POV)

The rest all slowly woke up. Teresa,then Sonya,then Minho. But not Newt.

Not yet.

My parents were bringing us all back,there was no much as starches and broken bones,except Teresa. My own sister. She was in the front during the crash and the car was seen to slide against her first and do the hardest,something's changed inside her since the crash and something of course is awfully different. But despite of that they suspected Newt to be worse,so I just sat there day by day waiting for him. I sang,read books,brushed his hair,watched TV,everything.

On the sixth day he was still asleep. I had made my mum bring me my special blue box. I sit there and slowly make space where Newt's body wasn't on the bed.

"So," I hold in my tears "This is my box,everything special is in here," I pull out the first thing "This is the eggshell for the first time we had breakfast in bed,this is a movie stub from our first date,this is a photo of us. We took one every year at this certain time," I show him everything-Photo's,tickets,everything else "Look Newt,all this stuff,it means the world to me. But if I loose you,nothing could replace it. I'm telling you once more. I love you,so wake up."

He doesn't.

I wipe my eyes and place everything gently back in the box. Walking to the door as a voice stops me.


My eyes open wide as I run to him. Doctors and nurses run to him too,I grab his hand as his eyes open wide.

"It's okay," He cracks a smile. Tears streaming down my face as he squeezes onto my hand tight,they're a shade of white and pink. I kiss his cheek and stroke his hair "They're all okay. I saw,they're safe?"

"Yes baby," I cry and hold him "All I need you to do is relax. Soon they'll let you out,and we're going back home. But they've made it safe now,and there we'll always be together."
"You promise?" He cries.
"Yes Newt,I promise."

"Okay," the nurse gently lies him down "He's going to rest,just a nap for a few hours. He'll be awake soon."

Newt nods "I love you,I love you,I love you.I love you." He whispers over and over as his eyes close,I watch him fall asleep.

"I love you too," I pant as I grab my phone as I dial Sonya's number. They had gone home two days ago and we're almost ready and willing to go back to school to do their exams to prepare them for senior year. I wasn't.


Days had passed and Newt hadn't said much. But he was okay. His parents stay by his side too as they wheel him out in his chair. He just looks at me,shaking heavily.

"You won't leave me?" Me whimpers.
"I won't,it's okay."

I sit him in the car and fold up the wheelchair,sitting beside him as I stroke his hand. His skin was pale,but his hands were still his hands. Still warm. I smile and kiss his cheek.

Wait For Love {Newtmas}Where stories live. Discover now