Chapter 24

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(Minho POV)




The minutes then the hours passed on and I look at the letter,my scruffy writing. This is what she wanted. This is what I had promised to her.

My tears fall onto the piece of paper as I walk away to my bed,curling up as I fall asleep.

(Thomas POV)

Today was a Sunday,Sonya and Newt were spending the day with Brenda and I decided to talk to Minho. I walk to his house and his dad let's me in,I enter his room,he looks completely asleep. I smile and decide not to disturb to create a cranky Minho. I just sit at his desk and wait as I see a long letter,I raise my brow as I begin to read it.

'Brenda asked me to write her a eulogy today. I believe she's okay,so I'm just gonna write a small letter of what Brenda means to me.

I am not a writer,not passionate about many things,except for us really. Me and her. Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed. See now it hurts to imagine at world without her, what an awful world that would be.

The tears stream down my face as I write this,I know you Brenda. I've known and fallen in love with you. God knows how you feel for me,I love you. Right now I want to scream it from the bloody roof tops,you're beautiful and I want to be with you always. I never expected to fall in love,with you,with anyone. I never expected to float or fall a thousand feet and create the crevice I called my life. But the thing with crevices, there's always a top and always a bottom. And the feeling of appreciation when you look from the top and understand how fast it can all come crashing down — it's more than beautiful and more than words could ever explain.

I'm so lucky to love her.

I've fallen in love with her,I don't regret my choices at all.'

"Minho.." I whisper as I fold the note up gently. Brenda had to know this. I just run back downstairs,the folded note in my hand as I run to Brenda's. She was in her room watching a movie with Newt and Sonya. I smile and sit down with them.

"What's the note Tommy?" Newt asks.
"I wanted to give it to Brenda. No one else but her," I hand her the note as she reads it. A smile cracks on her face as the tears fall down her cheeks.
"You need to get me to Minho," she whispers.
"No" Sonya lies her down "Tomorrow at school,the doctor said you need to rest Brenda,"

She nods and falls asleep. I just hope she felt the same.

(Brenda POV)

I walk to school the next day and see Minho,I smile and run to him. Pressing his lips or mine for a few seconds as I pull away.

"Why did you that?" He whispers.
"Because I love you."

I kiss her back for a few seconds and take her hand.

"It'll be okay," she whispers.

(Minho POV)

I wake up and hear a loud cry from downstairs. What the heck? I groan and climb out of bed walking downstairs,Thomas stands there hugging my dad as he cries.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.
"Brenda's dead!" Me cries as I fall to my knees. I cry into them,my tears choking me up as I scream to try and handle the pain.


My dad runs into my room as I burst awake. I scream heavily as I grip the sheets,the tears streaming down my face as he pulls me into his arms. Rocking me gently.

"Brenda!" I yell.
"Brenda's okay," he coos as I grip onto his shoulders "It's just a nightmare Minho,"
"It felt real,"
"You learned to run from what you feel, and that's why you have nightmares. To deny is to invite madness. To accept is to control. Now just relax,try to sleep,"
"I can't sleep if all I can think about is her,"

I grab my phone and dial her number. She picks up and I sigh of relief.

"Brenda,thank God," I pant and lie down as my dad walks out "I wanted to see if you were okay. I'll come over if you want,"
I feel her blush down the phone "Why would you do that?"
"Because I love you," I smile "I'll always love you. Sleep well,"
"I will,"

(Thomas POV)

In the morning I wake up,it was Teresa's fifteenth birthday today. I sigh as I check the clock,it's six in the morning. I'm about to go back to sleep when I hear voices from the next room,Teresa's bedroom.

I walk there to see her with a boy. It was Aris. I raise my brow. They can't see me.

"I won't let Theo hurt you,I know he's my brother but I won't. Teresa,you mean so much to me," he says as his lips press to hers gently,they pull away and rest their foreheads together as their hands entwine "Happy fifteenth birthday,"
"Thank you," she whispers as he climbs out the window. Teresa closes her door as I slowly walk downstairs to where Aris is.

"What!" I yell and pull him to me "I hear what you said,"
"Yeah.. So?"
"You're gonna keep your promise,even it if kills you! You're going to protect my sister,understand?"
"Of course. I swear,"
"You bloody better,"

He nods rapidly and runs away. I pant and clench my fists.

Something felt like it was going to change. At that moment so many thoughts flood my mind- What happens if Brenda looses her battle? What happens if Minho gets his heart broken? What happens if Theo kills one of us? I refused this to be a possibility,even thought it was. These thoughts haunt me for hours,through Teresa's birthday celebration. Through the blowing of her candles,the singing,everything.

I'm sitting there in silence as my phone rings,it's Brenda.

"Yes?" I ask. I always worried when she called me now.
"Tom. It's getting worse,"
"Wh- Brenda! Where are you?"
"My parents are taking me to Sweden,it's a better place for me to get better. You need to tell Minho,I'm sorry,"
"No! You need to. When are you getting back from this trip?"
"I don't know. Tom,for now this is goodbye. Just not forever,I promise,"
"Brenda please just tell me-"

She phone hangs up.


I throw the phone against the wall and fall to my knees. Crying heavily into them. How the hell was I meant to tell Minho?


I look to see Teresa.

"We're going out for dinner now," she says "You coming?"
I fasten my tie "Yeah," I walk to her as she places her hand gently on my shoulder.
"Are you okay? I heard the phone call,"
"Fine. Just Brenda,"
"Is she okay?"
"She's going far away to get better. I just don't know what to tell Minho."
"You'll think of something,"
"Just let me ask you something Teresa. What happens if I loose them? My friends. I doubt I'll loose Newt but what about Minho,Sonya and Brenda?"
"If you truly love and care,they'll be inside your heart. Everyday,for the rest of your life. In life you never truly loose the people you love the most. I know that," she smiles and hugs me "I'll fight with you from now on,I'm old enough. I'm like you Tom,"
"You are?"
"Yes. Time and tragedy has forced us both to grow up too quickly,"
"You're right there."
"It's actually what you told me in the sleep I had when I got hit. You told me a lot Tom. It's like you were predicting the future. It was amazing,"

She sits down with me on the bed and takes my hand.

"Whatever battle you'll get them through. Think of yourself as the Alpha of the pack,they'll follow and stand by you no matter what. Fight for what's right. You'll be safe. I promise,"

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