Chapter 22

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(Thomas POV)

The news had on Brenda had hit us all like a semi-fucking-truck. Especially me. We'd forgotten about the problem of us loosing our lives,we had to focus on her. She liked to be in school and she was doing quite well but her parents preferred her to stay by her bedside which we'd all visit regularly,especially Minho. He'd come everyday,but he wasn't the friend to her who'd bring flowers and get well soon cards. He'd do what he truly knew in his heart what she really wanted. He talked to her about the things she wanted to talk about,he showed her love,didn't treat her different because of her illness. Brenda loved that part of him. That Minho knew truly what to do.

Days to weeks pass on. I'd spend most of it with Sonya who knits warm jumpers and blankets for Brenda,and Newt who writes her cards and creates collages. I didn't know what I could do truly,we talked quite a lot. Every time I saw her it broke me every time.

This isn't fair.


It was a Friday and my final period was free,I walk back home as my phone rings. It's Brenda. I smile and pick it up.

"Hello?" I say.
"Hello Thomas," I recognise the voice instantly as her mum "We just wondered,would you come to the hospital?"
"Oh my God,is Brenda okay?"
"We think so. They're just discussing further treatment with us right now and Brenda's asleep,"

I nod and hang up as I walk in. I find her room and smile,she's awake slightly as I sit beside her. Stroking down her cheek.

"You okay?" I whisper.
"I will be," she cracks a smile "Just a little tried,"
"Then sleep. I just came to tell you everything's okay,"
"I'm glad,"
"You sleep okay Brenda?"
"I will. Tom,you'll come back soon?"
"Tomorrow. I promise," I kiss her cheek and pull the covers up to her chin. Walking out and closing the door gently as I see Minho standing there,a mixtape in his hand with her name on.

"I.. I wanted to see her," he chokes out "I also wanted to give her this tape. I made it,it's of all her favourite songs,"
"She's asleep at the moment. She's fine,it's okay,"
He sighs of relief and leans against the wall "Good,"
"Minho," I sit down beside him "You like her,don't you?"
He doesn't say anything to this.
"Minho," I repeat as he turns to me "Why won't you tell her the truth?"
"Because she matters more to me that the truth does," he tells me.
"You have to tell her. She needs to hear it right now,"
"No Thomas. She doesn't feel that way for me,I can't get involved in it. She needs to focus on getting better,"
"Minho,you're making her better! Can't you see that?"
  "Just," he wipes his eyes and hands me the tape "Give her this. Tell her I give her my best," he smiles and nods to me before walking off. I gulp and look at the cover then flip it over. He's written her a note.

Music is beautiful,just like you.
It'll be okay Brenda,you know that.

There's some of your favourites on here and some of mine,I think you'll like this one the best ;)

From Minho

I smile and walk back into her room. She's sound asleep as I place it down next to the piles of other tapes close to her. It's obvious she's listened and loved every single one.

"Minho made a new one Brenda," I smile as I read the back "There's some really good stuff on here. Some of your favourites,I think you'll like it. He really likes you Brenda,I hope you know that,how much you mean to us,to all of us. I'll stay with you." I wipe my eyes and lie next to her,falling asleep.

(Newt POV)

I sit in Minho's shed with him,we're both in utter silence.

"If you care for her,say it," I tell him "You say it. You have to,"
"Newt,she has cancer. What happens if she doesn't make it."
"She will Minho,"
"I hope you're telling me the truth,"

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