Chapter 25

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Just thought I'd say that there's about 5 chapters left of this story!!

(Minho POV)

The love of my life had left me. Everything was going to fall apart now.

I sit in Design Arts class as the teacher hands my paper back,an marked F on the front. She shakes her head as I clench my fists,the tears pricking in my eyes.

"Would you like to talk to me after lesson Minho?" She asks.
"No," I mutter as I rip up the paper. Looking down as Gally places his hand on my shoulder.
"I want Brenda back," I whisper as a tear escapes. My lip quivers as I run out as I notice the head teacher standing there. He takes me into my office and sits me down.

"Minho," he hands me a sheet of paper. They're all my grades,B's to constant E's and F's "What are these?"
"Grades," I mutter and wipe my eyes.
"Who's grades?"
"Exactly. These are bad,I can't tolerate that,"
"So am I expelled?"
"Not yet. I know your reason for this,but it can't effect your grades."
"It effects every other aspect. Accept it,"
"I'm sorry," I whisper as I walk out. The tears stream down my face,I walk out and see Newt sitting against his locker listening to music. I sigh and sit beside him,pulling an earphone from him as I start to listen-

"These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Don't look like they're ever going away
They ain't never gonna change
These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Don't look like they're ever going away
They ain't never gonna change
These battle...

Cause you set me on fire
I've never felt so alive, yeah"

I pause the music and look at him as he turns to me,smiling slightly.

"There's no hope," I whisper as I feel the tears in my eyes.
He shakes his head "There's always hope,"
"Not for me. Not for Brenda,"
"Brenda wasn't your fault. Let me tell you one thing Minho,not many people know this. If it hurts it's not love. Trust me,love isn't mean to shuck you up,"
"It shucked you up. With all Ben and Theo stuff-"
"Yeah but I didn't love them. I love Tommy and that's all if came down to. Your health,mental and physical is more important that your grades. Don't forget that,"
"I won't," I whisper as I look down.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.
"When Brenda told me she had Cancer," I wipe my eyes and lock my eyes on his "I wish I had it instead of her. I wish I was the one dying,"
"She's not dying Minho. She's gonna be okay."


I arrive home to see I'm home alone. I sigh and look at the mail. Just bills,except for one labeled for me. It's Brenda's writing.

I open it up to see a plain white sheet of paper,I pant and sit down as I begin to read-

Dear Minho,

Tell everyone hey from me. I'm quite weak but I'm getting there. I wanted to talk to you face to face but I couldn't speak these words so I'll talk on here.

But we're Minho and Brenda,it doesn't matter because we love each other. Like Newt and Thomas. I think our love's perfect because you make it like that. I'd die for you. I love you. It'll be okay,because I love you.

I can't write much more,my head isn't thinking straight. I feel sick and hopeless. Soon though. I swear,I'll see you again.

Brenda x

I wipe my eyes and hold it close to me. I could write her a million letters and it still wouldn't come close to how I feel. I loved her,she was my first and only love.

I didn't think this was going to end with happily ever after.

(Newt POV)

I sit opposite Ben who was still in jail. I still saw his bad side but I saw a good too. He had helped me quite a lot recently.

"Where's Theo now?" I ask him.
"We always had many places where we'd go," he explains "There's the woods,maybe the house you met him,or the Pierce towers. He'll be at the Pierce towers. They were built thousands of years ago,they burnt most down but some are still there today. He'll be there, waiting to pounce. But it's like a paper town,it's hard to find. But here," he scribbles down some instructions "That's how you'll find them. Please don't go alone,"

"I won't," I mutter "Thanks Ben,"
He just smiles "That's okay,"

I walk away from him and out the gates and back to school. I walk into the empty science lab and begin to draw out a plan. I stand there as Winston comes into view.

"What the bloody hell?" I snap.
"I'm sorry?" He questions,raising his brows.
"You're.. Dead.."
"I'm a ghost. Anyway,what are you doing Newt?"
"Planning something, trying to save lives more like," I turn to the board and look at it. But I didn't understand a single thing,I shake my head and hold in my tears as I rest my head on the board.

"Newt," Winston sighs "Life's not some kind of equation. It's much harder than that and some things you can't solve like that. You have to wait until they jump out at you and you strike. Some things you may not understand so just leave them be, but find your anchor,it'll speak to you everyday. You're a lucky guy Newt. You've got that trust,in Tommy,in love. It's called belief,"

"Thank you," I whisper as I see he's gone. I shake my head "I'm tired of being me,"
"Find your anchor," his voice echoes.

"I brought you some food!"

The voice opens and Tommy walks through with a bag in his hand. He places it down.

"Sorry baby,I didn't realise you were busy. I just got you some food and-" he stops speaking when he looks up at the board "Newt,what does this mean?"
"I need to stop Theo. I know where he is,I know where he's gonna be. You don't have to help me but if you could,"
"Newt. Hell yeah I'm gonna help you. For richer and poorer,better and worse. I remember," he winks and kisses me gently. I kiss him back and pull away "Just as long as you don't get hurt. Or Teresa,"
"She's coming?"
"She made sure she would. Newt she wants to,"
"If you're sure. This won't be easy though,"
"I know. We just need one more thing to do,"
He turns to me "What's that?"

"Get the pack,"

We fight together or not at all.

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