Chapter 19

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(Newt POV)

I sit there in the station,I had told the police everything I could.

"That's all I can say." I mutter.
"So it links to Ben you say?" He asks.
"Yes,my friends are also witness'. So you can talk to them. I wouldn't of hurt him unless it was crucial emergency. I know the code of these type of murderers. I can state his intentions were very clear,I could not escape and violence was my last resort,"
"You're brave coming forward," the cop smiles as I write my information down.
"Just make sure my friends are safe. Please. You'll try?"
"Of course I will Newton,"

I look at the cell "Want me to go in there?"
"I want to tell you about the boy. He had no family actually,none which we could find. We knew he had killed before. Newt,you're free to go. I'll contact you soon."

I walk out of the station as Teresa stands there smiling. She was still badly effected after the crash.

"You okay?" She smiles as I run to her,hugging her gently.
"I think so,"
"Tom said you might need someone,"
"He's right," I sigh as we begin to walk home.

(Thomas POV)

I sit there scribbling through History work.

"Tommy?" Newt's voice mutters. I turn round and smile,not even wanting to ask him how it went. I just smash his lips to mine as he lies on the bed. I run to the door and close it as I bring myself over him again,kissing his neck as he lifts up his arms so I can pull off his shirt. I do the same with mine,discarding them somewhere in the room.

"I love you so much," I whisper as I kiss down his chest.
"I know," he whispers as he pulls me back to him "I love you too," I nod rapidly and bite my lip as I cup his cheeks. He smiles and looks into my eyes "It's okay," he smiles.

The rain begins to pour as he kisses me again gently and pulls off mine then his' jeans. We curl under the bed,his head on my chest with my arms wrapped around him.

"When can we get a flat of our own?" I ask as I play with his hair.
"Soon," he mutters "We should probably get jobs first."

He turns to me and just lays there as he strokes my cheeks.
"I'll love you forever Tom,"
"Me too Newt,"

(Newt POV)

"I'm going to see Ben," I tell him clearly.
"What! Why?"
"Because.. Truth is,I think he can help us."


My stomach twists as I sit there waiting,the door opens and a guard alongside Ben walks through. His skin is pale and blonde hair extremely messy,I sigh as he sits opposite me.

"What do you want?" He mutters "Why did you come here Newt?"
"Wanted to see you. Wanted you to convince your friends to stop scaring the utter bloody shit out of me and mine. Ben,please. You've all ready killed one person,Winston. I'm telling you that you can't keep doing this,"
"It's a messed up world Newt. We're all broken and lonely. In the end everything's gonna fall apart and-"
"Only you let it happen! Look Ben,your friend made me kill him. It haunts me. I've told the cops,I'm proved innocent but still it doesn't make me feel any better,"

He nods then leans back in his chair "I remember seeing Winston's dead body,I remember it so clearly Newt. His eyes were still open but it looked like the life hAd been completely sucked out of his very soul. It's guilt the feeling,it scares and overwhelms me. But truth is gang it makes me feel like I had control over something,for once."

"Fall in love," I tell him "It gives you control."

"I loved you Newt. Never again,"

"I want you to make a promise to me Ben,that you won't hurt us anymore,or anyone for that matter,"
"I won't. But the others might. I don't run this gang anymore."
"Then who does?"
"This boy. He's called Theo Raeken."

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