Chapter 18

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The photo though^^

(Thomas POV)

I walk in alongside Newt and Theo. Theo just smiles to himself as I sigh and look at my rustle paper.

"Can you read them?" I gulp and hand the paper to Newt.
"If I read yours,you read mine," he smiles as I open his up. All A grade passes,typical. "You passed Newt,I'm guessing I failed miserably."
"You got into senior year," he hugs me tight "I'm so proud of you Tommy," we pull away and kiss ahed as we walk hand in hand to the others. We all engage in a hug as I notice Newt hugging Theo. My fists clench as they walk off.

"You did amazing," Theo smiles,patting Newt on the shoulder as Brenda holds me back.
"Tom,calm. This is a good day,don't let him ruin it," she mutters


My arm secures a hold on Newt's shoulder as we walk into class.

"First day of senior year," I smile as I kiss him gently. I roll my eyes as Theo sits beside us,piling out his books. I wanted nothing better but to knock them over him.

"We're in advanced Biology next Newt," he feels the need to tell him this "Save a seat next to you for me."
"Sure," he nods as I just squeeze his hand tighter. I notice Minho calling me over so I walk to him.

"This Theo is bad news,I'm telling you," I mutter.
"You're just saying tray because Newt's getting a little close to him. Relax,it's senior year,we'll have a laugh,"
"I guess. But Newt's not the same as us with things like you."
He sighs and places his hand on my shoulder "It'll be fine. Now,we're gonna be late for history,"

I nod and walk to the class with Minho,sitting down as my teacher enters.

"Senior year reaches much more important standards. I expect you all to show nothing but pure percent and dedication in these lessons to come this academic year."

"Shank," Minho mutters "This is going to be a long year."

(Newt POV)

I sit beside Theo as we scribbled down ideas. Winston fills my mind,how he was taken away from the world at so young. About all of our best memories existed in this classroom.

"You okay?" Theo asks.
I shrug "Just thinking about Winston. He was this guy,smart,my Biology and Chemistry partner. Until Ben killed him."
"Oh Newt,I'm.. Um.. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Wasn't your fault,"

He pats my shoulder,moving his face close to mine "It'll be okay."
I crack a smile "I hope so,"


The bell rings as we pack out stuff away,I walk our and a pair of lips smash to mine,of course Tommy's. I beam against his lips and kiss him back just as eagerly.

"I missed you," he pants.
"It was only an hour without me," I chuckle.
"I hate not being with you,you know that," he squeezes my hand "Free period,"
"Yeah. Theo you wanna come with us?" I ask.
"Uh. I wanna go to the library alone," he runs off

(Third person POV)

Theo walks into the almost empty library smirking. Sonya sits there reading.

"Hi," I mutter as I sit beside her "Interesting book?"
"Yes it's about this boy called Donald and-"
"Shut up. You're going to help me hurt Thomas,understand?"
"No! What the hell are you talking about?"

I walk to her and smack her across the face "You're going to do what I say!"
"And why should I do that?" She cries.
"I told you," he hisses and grabs her wrist,squeezing it tightly "You shouldn't disobey me Sonya."
"I'm not letting you hurt anyone."
"Ben hurt you,I'm on Ben's side, can't you see that?"

Her eyes open wide "No. No. I refuse to believe you,"
"So don't,just keep your pretty little mouth shut. Understood?"
"Yes. Yes. I do,"

(Newt POV)

I hold Tommy's hand tight as we walk around. But I stop in my tracks and notice a photo,it's of the boy. The boy I killed.

"They're looking for who's done it," I choke out and squeeze my eyes shut "What the bloody hell am I meant to do Tommy?"

"Newt. You told me yourself,you didn't mean to kill him."
I  just grab his shoulders "Look me in the eye and say you believe me. Come on,if you do,"
"I.. Do.." I whisper "I love you,for better and for worse. You know that. Newt,call the cops. Smooth it over,I'm on your side. You know that,"

I nod and ring the number slowly. Just telling them I want to talk about the murder, they agree to meet me after school, I just knew I wouldn't've of hurt anyone for no good reason. But I doubt I'll forgive myself for this. When it close my eyes I see his dead body-It doesn't matter whether he was guilty or not guilty.

I sit there under the tree as Brenda sits beside me.

"You know a person who never made a mistake never made anything," she mutters "Look,Newt,Tommy told me. I'm on your side. I'll fight with you,"
"Thanks," I smile as I rest my head on her shoulder.
"Tell them exactly what happened. Don't hold back,it makes sense,your truth does,"
"I'm scared though Brenda,"
She sighs and nods "You and the rest of the world Newt. Being brave,just face it. Tell the truth,be yourself and everything will be hunky-dory,"
"You sure?'
"I promise. Now,I'm going to be late for Music so I'll see you," she hugs me tight as she begins to walk away.

"Brenda!" I call as she turns around "You know I didn't mean it right?"

She just smiles.

"Newt,after everything we've been through,I believe you."

First off I'm going to apologise-
My updates will be slow. I feel bad but I'm really upset and busy at the moment,but I'll try to update on Friday and the weekend. I hope I can. Love you all❤️

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