Cas X Reader ~ 1

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Originally made: 11/24/15

-first Oneshot thingie yay! I honestly love this pic of Misha way too much. I highly recommend you watch supernatural if you haven't already and read the description of this book.-

You and Cas had been sitting down on the couch together. You had your earbuds in, listening to Renegades. Cas looked at you curiously, and tilted his head in confusion.
"(Y/n), what are you listening to?" I took out one earbud and offered it to Cas. He reluctantly took it, and stuck it in his ear. I forgot to turn down the volume, so he jumped and the earbud fell out of his ear. He made a squeal noise and I giggled.
"I'm sorry Cas! I forgot it was so loud." I turned it down a minimal level, and Cas nervously took the earbud again. He seemed to enjoy the song.
"I believe I am enjoying this form of music at a high expectation." I giggled.
"I'm glad you like it." I gave him my iPod and got up to stretch and make dinner. Cas seemed happy, and started to scroll through my playlist. I smirked to myself. He had no idea I had some pretty fucked up songs on there.

I ran into the living room to find Cas crying. (Does Cas even cry?)
"Cas, what's wrong?" I asked, and he showed me the dog that played. It was Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace. Then right after that, Angel with a Shotgun started playing. I looked at Cas with sympathy, and embraced him.
"It's okay Cas." I coo, and rub soothing circles in his back.
"What is this emotion!?" He whispered, and I smiled.
"It's emotional trauma over a song." Cas looked at me with panic in his eyes.
"Is that bad!?"
"No! Not at all." I giggle, and cuddle with Cas while he keeps scrolling through my playlists.

Heehee yay Cassie!

I don't know why I call Cas Cassie sometimes. It's a bad habit.


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