Leviathan!Cas X Reader ~ 9

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Sorry I couldn't find a good video! wattpad's YouTube thing just sucks.

This'll basically be the last couple minutes of 7x01, where Cas turns.

      "Cas, you don't want to do this," you say, and slowly creep backwards. Dean and Bobby were thrown to the walls, and god knows where Sam went. You had remembered what happened moments earlier.


  "...aturae terrificae quarum ungulae et dentes nunquam tetigerunt carnem eius ad mundum nostrum nunc ianua magna, aperta tandem!" Bobby chanted, and Cas glowed such a bright white, you had to look away. Then the light faded, and the portal to purgatory closed. Castiel fell to the ground with a loud thump, and the three of you ran towards him immediately.
   "...Cas?" You whispered, and looked down at the unmoving angel. Bobby put his fingers to Castiel's neck and checked for a pulse. He drew his hand away. "He's cold."
  "Is he breathing?" Dean put the back of his hand in front of Cas's mouth.
"Maybe angels don't need to breathe." It happened so fast, Dean yelling words, and Cas coming back. Then, he shoved the three of you forward.
  "You need to run now! I-I can't hold them back!" Cas yelled, and held onto his chest tightly. "Hold who back?" You asked, panicked.
   "They held on inside me. (Y/n), they're so strong-"
  "Who the hell..." Dean was cut off by Castiel shouting in a panicked but confident tone.
  "Leviathan! I can't fight them, run!" Cas yelled, and neither of you turned to run, until it all settled in. Cas made exasperated struggling noises, and was jerking violently.
  "Go! Go get Sam! Go get Sam!" Dean shouted, and that's when the three of you hopped into action.   
    "Too late." Cas looked up with a malicious smile on his face.
  "...Cas?" You asked, and walked up to him, but was pulled back by Dean.
  "Cas is-" Castiel shrugged. "Ehh, he's gone." "Cas" shrugged again. "He's, dead. We, run the show now." A devilish smile grew on his face as he threw back Bobby and Dean with an invisible force. Cas cocked his neck to the side, and blackness surged through his veins. You could see it. He smiled once again. This wasn't the sweet Cas you knew. This was Leviathan. Leviathan let out a deep, evil chuckle.
   "This is going to be...so much fun."

     Now you are where you are now. Backing away from Leviathan, with a blade in hand. Leviathan raised his hand, slightly shaking. You lifted with it. It noticed that Sam and Dean were getting up, and he let you down. Leviathan let out an evil chuckle, before running off. Your eyes were wide and you were pretty shaken up.
  "Today is just not my day," you muttered, and Bobby and Dean agreed.

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