Dean X Reader ~ 13

709 14 3


Sentence: "So, you went for a drive...and came back with a puppy?"


You were on a supply run. So you had already gotten the food. Rabbit food for Sam, pie for Dean, and now you are on your way home. Well, until you saw a puppy run right in the middle of the road, and you just saw it. But, it was too late. You had already hit the dog. You got out of the car, curse words streaming from your mouth. The puppy lay in a heap of fur, one of its legs looked broken. The leg was bleeding, but that seemed to be the only injury. You quickly took off the flannel you were wearing, and tightly wrapped it around the leg. The puppy whimpered, and you murmured reassuring things in a calming voice. You picked up the puppy, and placed him on the passenger seat.
"Dean's going to kill me for this..." You said, looking at the dog on the leather seats. Luckily, no blood had gotten on the seat.

You drove to the nearest animal hospital. You ran into the hospital, with the puppy in your arms.
"I need a doctor!" You shouted, with the puppy in your arms. The accountant ran up to you.
"Miss, I think you should quiet down-"
"This dog is freaking hurt! And you want me to calm down!? Isn't this what you are supposed to do? Take care of animals?" The accountant looked at you, shocked. You sighed, then the doctor walked in. She took the puppy from your hands.
"What happened?"
"It ran out in front of my car, and I hit it." The doctor nodded, and started to walk away.
"Stay here, I'll see what I can do."

An hour or so passed, and finally you saw the doctor come out with the dog. There was a cast on it's leg. She was also holding a cone, just in case.
"Here's your dog, and a cone if it starts picking at the cast-"
"Hold on. My dog? Doesn't it have an owner?" You were confused. Your dog? The doctor shook her head.
"No, he doesn't have an owner. He is male, and take care of him." She said, and you took the dog, you had him in your arms while you drove, scratching behind his ear.
"What will I name you...Gunner? about (dog name)?" You looked at the dog and he was looking back at you, tail wagging. You smiled.
"(D/n) it is!" You smiled.

"So let me get this straight. So, you went for a drive...and came back with a puppy!?" Dean said, looking at the dog by his feet. (D/n) really liked Dean, and was cuddling up to him. Dean just grumbled. "If it messes up my seats, you're in for it, (Y/n)!" He shouted, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Whatever. Just cuddle with him! He wants to cuddle." (D/n) kept nuzzling Dean's leg. Dean sighed, and picked him up. The dog tilted his head, confused. Then he started to lick Dean. That's when Dean started laughing, and then so did you.

|Seven years later|

"(D/n)! We're home!" Dean shouted, with you and Sam behind him. A giant, auburn husky ran up to Dean and tackled him to the ground, licking at his face furiously. Sam started to giggle with you as Dean was laughing, shouting at (D/n) to stop. (D/n) is a good dog. He's well trained, and can surprisingly take care of himself when you and the boys are on hunts. But you do leave out a lot of food and water, because, well, no opposable thumbs. You patted (D/n) on the head while Sam scratched his back. Sam was really happy you brought (D/n) back that day, and even though Dean didn't want to admit it, so did he.



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