Dean X Reader ~ 7

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    "Please Dean! Just teach me one chord!" You pleaded. Dean held his secret guitar close to his chest and shook his head.
  "Please? I didn't know you played guitar!"  You said, and Dean glared.
  "Yeah, and I didn't know you played (favorite instrument that isn't a guitar; a brass or woodwind is preferred)!" You blushed. You played (instrument) when the gang was out on hunts. You played this instrument fabulously, but were too shy to tell them about your talent. Well, until Dean had come home early to find you playing (f/s) on your (instrument).
   "Hey, let's make a deal. I'll teach you how to play my (instrument) if you teach me how to play acoustic." You said, and Dean thought for a moment.
  "Alright (Y/n), come over here. I'll teach you." Dean said, and you smiled as you bound over to Dean.

    He had taught you a couple of chords, and now he was done.
  "All for today! Now go get your instrument. I shall learn." Dean said, and you ran to get your instrument.

    Dean held the (instrument) oddly in his hand.
"I'm used to a guitar." He muttered, and put the mouthpiece in his mouth like you had instructed him to, and blew into the instrument softly. It made no sound.
  "You need to blow harder than that," you say, and Dean blows a little harder, a small sound coming out.
  "Yay! Now the first note is..." You and Dean spent all night practicing each other's instruments, and let's just say Sammy got no sleep that night.



But I will be busy. I'll try and update whenever I can though!


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