Dean X Reader ~ 5

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You were looking up at the stars. You sighed at all the beautiful lights illuminating the sky dimly. You and Dean had gotten into another fight, but this seemed bigger than any other fight you had with him. This one ended with Dean storming out of the house, calling you a bitch and something else you'd prefer to not say. But this hurt you emotionally, and after Dean left to probably go get drunk somewhere, you gathered a blanket and decided to look at the stars. That's where you are now.

It was a mild summer night, and this was luckily one of your "days off". You had nothing to really worry about. No cases. The only thing that had bothered you, was if Dean was going to return safely. You wanted him to return. But after the names Dean had called you, the beer bottle he'd thrown at you, you weren't sure if he was going to return to you. As you gazed up at the beautiful glowing stars, you heard the crunch of grass behind you. You decided to ignore it. Then, a large shadow loomed over you, and you looked up to see a completely sober Dean. His green eyes were hurt, but your (e/c) eyes showed more hurt then Dean ever thought they'd hold. Then, Dean sat next to you.
"Hey (Y/n)... I just want to apologize. I didn't mean to call you all those things..." Dean then looked away. You sniffled, and rubbed away the painful tears burning down your cheeks. Dean looked at you, and sadness filled his gaze. He lifted your chin, and pressed his lips to yours. He made the kiss slow and passionate, and filled with love. When he drew away, a single tear fell down his left cheek, and he hugged your crying mess of a body close to him.
"I'll never let you go, (Y/n)."

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