Valentine's Day Preference

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Since I don't really have the time for like four to five separate imagines, this'll be a preference. Who else is going to/seen the deadpool movie? I'm seeing it tomorrow!


You were in your room, watching some movie. Your boyfriend, Dean, was out on a hunt. Of course, it was Valentine's Day. You didn't mind, Valentine's Day being a minor holiday and you not giving a crap about them. But what surprised you, was a knock on the door. You walked up to the bunker's door, and looked through the peephole, holding your pistol. You sighed in relief and opened the door, to find Dean.
   "Hey, Dean! Didn't know you'd be back early." You smiled, and put your pistol on the table by the door. He smiled. That's when you noticed he had a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He offered them to you and you smiled.
   "Thanks Dean, I love you." You kissed his nose and took the flowers. He pecked your lips and smiled. "I love you too, (Y/n)."


   You were again, in a library. Sam and Dean were out eating, and you were here in the library looking for lore books. You never celebrated holidays, so you didn't know it was Valentine's day until Sam showed up with some roses and a card. You were in your isolated corner in the library, then a very tall moose sat next to you and kissed your cheek. You looked over, and smiled at Sam. He handed you the flowers and the card, and you read the card with a giggle. You kissed Sam's cheek and continued to read lore books with Sam. You could also hear the distant cheering of a proud older brother.

   Dear (Y/n),
Happy Valentine's Day! I know you don't really celebrate holidays, but I wanted to make today special. Because well, I love you. I didn't know if you liked chocolate or not, so I got you some flowers. They smell good! Love you (Y/n). Have a good Valentine's Day! Hope I can make it worth it!


   Castiel doesn't understand the point of human holidays, so all he did was cuddle with you all day and watch crappy romantic comedies, not really getting the jokes. He did tell you he loved you though, and Dean gave him some cheap chocolate to give you. It was surprisingly delicious!


     Gabriel was a...special case. He loved candy, you loved candy. It was a win-win! Gabriel ended up giving you a bouquet of chocolate roses, you giving him a box of chocolates. You both loved each other's candy, sharing the chocolate and finishing it during the night.


   Lucifer also didn't understand the concept. He thought it meant a night of 'burning hot passion', but supposedly not. You had explained to him what it was before he could try anything. He was slightly (very) disappointed, but he decided not to set the world on fire and just reserve you two for a date at some fancy French restaurant. You and him had a good time, and cuddled at the end of the night.



dating is overrated XD


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