Sam X Reader ~ 11

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This is Stanford_sammy and me's blind makeup challenge. We did it last Saturday! Thanks for the idea, Dan and Phil.

I have become Phan trash.

You and Sam were going on a date. Just a typical, state-of-the-art date. Since both you and Sam love the library, you guys decided to go there for your little date.
   "So, what kind of book are you looking for?" Sam asked, taking your hand. You and Sam were the same age, but with your height gap, people thought you had a large age gap too. The older and younger people gave you and Sam judgmental looks. Sam saw you shy away, and put his arm around your waist.
   "Just don't pay attention to them." He said, and you nodded, concentrating on the younger Winchester.
   "Can we look in the fiction genre? (F/b) can usually be found there." You whisper, and Sam nodded.
     As you two got into the fiction part of the library, (f/b) caught your eye.
  "There it is!" You said, and tried to reach for it. You were too short. It didn't work. Sam chuckled and grabbed the book off of the shelf, handing it to you. You took the book and smiled, kissing Sam's cheek.
   "I love you," Sam whispered. You smiled. "Love you too, Moosebrain."

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