Jared X Reader ~ 1

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You were in your trailer. You were in Supernatural, sure. You just so happened to play an angel that Cas had brought along, and there was a romantic connection between (C/n) and Sam. Well, not yet anyways. But the script had told you that there would be a "surprise" kiss scene between you and Jared. You were scared out of your mind! You had a crush on Jared, but you were too scared of how he'd react and/or rejection. You didn't want to make the friendship between the two of you awkward.

      "(C/n),  but we need you! You can't leave!" Sam begged you, tears streaming down your face. You turned around, emotionless.
    "It's for you and your brother's own good, Sam." You said, staring off into the distance, a.k.a the wall. Sam let out a whimper and spun you around quickly, and kissed you roughly. You were surprised, but melted into the kiss. When Sam drew away, he rested his forehead on yours.
    "I love you, (C/n). Please don't leave me." You looked down, and Sam put his finger under your chin, lifting your gaze up to his. You let out a soft sigh, a small, gentle smile growing on your face.
    "I love you too, Sam."
   "Cut! Great job, Jared and (Y/n)!" The director yelled (I forgot his name), and you smiled. You and Jared decided to take a break, so you were sitting in your trailer.
    "Hey (Y/n)?" Jared asked, looking at you. You looked at him. "Yeah?"
   "You're a really good kisser," he blushed and looked down, then shook his hair with his hands. You giggled. You pecked him on the cheek, and slid your arm around his shoulders.
    "Love you too, you moose." You said with a triumphant and cheeky grin, and Jared looked up to see you blushing some. This made him smile.
    "Whatever, (N/n)."

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