Cas X Reader ~ 6

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Christmas special by Yours Truly!

You were cold. Dean and Sam had left for a salt-and-burn, and subconsciously left you at the cemetery. In two degree weather. You had your warmest winter attire on, but that seemed to help very little. It was a cemetery in the middle of nowhere. So all you could do, was wait for the Winchesters to return or die. You chose to wait, and maybe in the process die.

                -back at the bunker-

   Dean and Sam had stepped into the bunker after that very frustrating Salt-and-burn. Dean had flopped on the couch and Sam went to go do more research. But there was this nagging they'd forgotten something. Cas popped in, and looked around curiously.
   "Sam, Dean, where is (Y/n)?" Castiel asked, and looked at Dean. Dean's eyes flew open, and they met a wide eyed Sam's eyes. Cas' eyes widened.
  "God dammit." Dean muttered.
  "What?" Cas asked, his eyes boring into Dean.
  "We forgot her. On Christmas Eve." Dean said, and glanced at Cas. Castiel was infuriated.
"You assbutts stay here. I'll go get my girlfriend." He said, and zapped off to your rescue.

     You lay against a gigantic gravestone. Your fingertips had already gone blue, and you were shivering like crazy. You were on the verge of passing out. Right before you slipped into unconsciousness, you saw a tan trench coat and someone yelling, "(Y/n)!"


    You woke up all warm, and snuggled into a warm something. It was breathing. You pried open your eyes and met Castiel's striking blue ones.
  "What happened?" You murmured. You glanced at your fingertips. They were back to normal. Thank god.
  "These two assbutts left you at the graveyard." Castiel said, and glared at the Winchesters.
"We said we were sorry!" Dean exclaimed.
  "How can we repay you, (Y/n)?" Sam asked, giving you puppy eyes. You thought for a second. Then an idea popped into your head.
  "You Winchesters must wear Christmas sweaters. And Sam gets moose ears, and Dean gets squirrel ears and a squirrel tail." You say, and grin evilly. Sam rolled his eyes and Dean's mouth went slack.
   "You heard me. Now go!" You say, and they scurry away.

   A couple minutes later, Dean and Sam came out with matching Christmas sweaters and their animal attire on. You giggled and clapped.
  "Good job guys!" You exclaim and Casitel cuddled you close to him. Sam and Dean grumbled and crossed their arms.
  "Merry Christmas (Y/n)."

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