Misha X Reader ~ 1

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Lets pretend that West and Maison don't exist for a while. I is sorry! *i cri* West and Maison are probably the most adorable kids ever but...plotline. XD

    You and Misha were on the couch in his house. You were currently hanging upside down from the couch, while Misha decided to go make dinner in the kitchen. While Misha was cooking who-knows-what, you decided to scare him. So you slid off the couch as quietly as you could, and started to army crawl into the kitchen. Misha was facing away from you. This made you smile. As you crept closer, you grabbed Misha's ankle and swept one of the ahis feel out from under him. He let out a small yelp as he fell, falling right next to you. You started to giggle hysterically, and Misha rolled his eyes at you playfully. You just smiled and stood behind him as he cooked.
   "What'cha making?" You asked, trying to look over his shoulder, but failing. He looked over at you.
    "Steak and some vegetables, is that fine?" He smiled as you nodded, and continued. You were never the cook of your family. Thank gods. You stood next to him, and kissed his cheek as he cooked. He smiled, and continued to cook until it was done. You were already at the table, eager to eat. Misha saw this, and just took longer to get to the table. It probably took him about five minutes to get to the table, but I guess he'd come around sooner or later. When you took a bite of the food that you had been so eager to eat, you sighed in deliciousness. Misha smiled proudly, and ate with you. While he was concentrated on his food, you kissed his nose quickly and began to eat again. A dust of crimson covered his cheeks, and he adverted his gaze. You smiled, and kissed his cheek.
      "So what do you want to do now?" Misha asked, grabbing yours and his plates and washing them. You shrugged.
    "You wanna cuddle?" He looked over his shoulder, a small grin peeking.
    "Sure." He dried his hands and took yours in his.

      When you two got to the couch, Misha sat down, and guided you to his lap. He grabbed your hips, and you sat on Misha's lap, smiling. His head was in the crook of your neck, with his arms around your waist.
    "I love you, Misha." You whispered, and closed your eyes.
   "Love you too (Y/n)." He murmured, and you both fell asleep like this.

Sorry, I don't think this went anywhere. XD

I apologize!


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