Soulless!Sam X Reader ~ 9

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Just got to the part in season 6 where Sam gets his... You know, back. (Not spoiling it for you youngun's. XD)

You were worried. Sam had been emotionless, and didn't seem to care about his girlfriend that he ordered for you to keep Dean safe, and go live with Lisa and Ben. He made you look out for his brother, and you kept that promise. But when Sam had risen and he didn't tell you or Dean, you were pissed. Funny thing is, Sam didn't seem to give a rat's ass about it. You had heard what he had confessed to Dean.
"Sometimes, I don't trust myself. I don't feel fear, Dean. I don't feel anything. I want to believe that I care about you and (Y/n), but truth is Dean, I don't think I care at all." This was still fresh in your mind. You were sitting in you and the boys' motel rooms, at the table by the corner of the room. Dean was out for a supply run, and probably trying to find a single slice of apple pie in Montana. Sam walked over to you, with a cold stare in his eyes and his jaw set.
"(Y/n)," Sam acknowledged you with a nod, and stared at you even colder. "Yes, Sam?" You looked up at him, worry clearly in your gaze. Sam sighed, and broke eye contact with you. "(Y/n), I know you still believe that I can be-"
"Oh, you better believe it, Sammy," you spat, not wanting to start this argument, "I will never stop believing. I care about you more than anyone, Sammy, and I'll never give up on you, damnit!" You shouted, slamming your hand on the tabletop, a tear rolling down your cheek. Sam looked unaffected. He shrugged, and looked back at you with an icy stare.
"Well, I guess you'll live with that burden for the rest of that life of yours."

There will be no part two, sorry. :)

I'm tired, and trying to pull off an all nighter.

It's five am!

Still going strong!

Adios, Mishamigos!


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