Castiel X Reader ~ 13

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Hey bros! As soon as I'm done with this imagine book (I usually end these around 50-55 Chapter thingies) I'm going to make a fandom Oneshot/Imagines book! XD

And thanks soooo much for 400+ reads!! I really appreciate it! And thanks Marvel_Chick_01 for all the votes XD

     You liked Castiel.  Sam and Dean had told you it looked obvious. All you basically had to do was tell the guy. You were all in the library, Cas being on the couch and you going through lore books with the Winchesters. You closed your book. You were going to do this. Right now.
"Hey Cas, can I talk to you?" You asked, and he looked up to you, and nodded. You pointed to your room and he went in there, waiting for you. Sam and Dean have you encouraging smiles, and you nervously smiled back. Time to do this. You walked into your room and shut the door. Seconds later, you heard Sam and Dean's footsteps come close to the door. They were most likely going to eavesdrop on the conversation. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. It didn't help.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Castiel asked, doing the adorable head tilt you loved so much. Your face turned red. You wanted to die in a hole. No! No backing down. You promised yourself, (Y/n)! Be a man! You took a deep breath. Okay. Let's do this.
    "Okay. So Cas, I don't even know if you feel the same. But I really like you. Like, like like you." You slapped your forehead. Good going, (L/n). You locked gazes with Cas, and was surprised that it was...loving. He looked at you like you look at him.
    "Would it make you happy that I feel the same way?" You smiled and Cas hugged you close to him.
   "I love you, (Y/n)." Cas said. You smiled.
   "I love you too." You sat in his arms, enjoying the silence.
   "OH MY GOD, OTP!!" A voice shouted from the hallway. It was Sam.
  "Shut it Sam! They might hear us!" You chuckled, and continued to relax in Cas' arms.

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