Dean X Reader ~ 10

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This man is beautiful.

       Bars were not your specialty. You were here for the boys. But mostly Dean. You had a crush on Dean, a huge one. And Sam had bailed earlier. So you were currently sitting at the bar, Dean next to you flirting with the bartender. You were just sitting there quietly, and then a drunk guy came lumbering into the stool next to you. You raised an eyebrow at him and continued to stare down at your beer. He leaned close to you.
   "Heeeeeyy girlie, wanna hit the road-" he said in a drunken gruff voice. You immediately cut him off.
  "No, I won't go with you because you just wanna get laid." You said harshly and he just grinned at you more. "Ooooooh, stubborn are we?" He grabbed your arm and you turned out of his grip and punched him straight in the nose. Wow, hunters training really paid off. The drunk man stumbled backwards, clutching his now bleeding and broken nose. Dean grabbed your arm, eyes wide and pulled you out of the bar before anything else could happen.

      You were leaning against the impala, cold air surrounding you as you cooled off. You were pretty ticked at the drunk guy. Dean was silently standing next to you, closer than you think he'd stand next to you.
   "Thanks for pulling me outta there, Dean." You said, still looking at your feet, arms crossed. Dean looked up at you and gave you a small smile.
  "No problem (Y/n)- you were pretty awesome back there!" He chuckled, and hesitantly put an arm around you. You were surprised by his actions, but leaned into him. Dean looked down at you with a loving and wanting expression on his face- you didn't see this.
   "Hey (Y/n)..."
  "Yeah?" You looked up at him and saw him scratch the back of his neck nervously.
   "I-I like you a lot, (Y/n)- and I-I wanted to ask if you'd go out with-" you shut him up with a kiss on the lips. A sweet one. Dean was in shock but kissed back almost immediately. You drew away.
    "Yes Dean, I will."

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