Castiel X Angel!Reader ~ 11

978 13 7

This man is also beautiful. And hilariously cute.

      You did not understand anything. You were as clueless as Castiel, which is why the two hunters were trying to hook you two up. You had feelings for the Angel, but just didn't know it. So did Cas, but he also didn't know how to express it. One day, Castiel was in heaven doing some angel crap, and you walked into the bunker library where Dean and Sam were residing.
   "Dean, Sam, can I ask you a question?" You asked, looking at the Winchesters. They exchanged knowing glances. Dean looked up at you. "Shoot." You cocked your head to the left.
  "I would rather not shoo-"
  "It's an expression, (y/n)."
  "Oh. I do not understand that reference. Whenever I look at Castiel, I get this tingly feeling at the bottom of my stomach. Sam, am I sick? Sam?" You looked at sam expectantly. Just like Cas had a profound bond with Dean, you had the same thing with Sam. But you felt nothing towards Sam, just as Cas felt noting towards Dean (sorry Destiel shippers, not this imagine. ;D ). Sam exchanged an amused look with Dean, then back at you.
   "You're in love, (Y/n)." Sam said, and you cocked your head to the right.
  "I am?"
  "Yeah, (Y/n), you are." Dean chuckled, and you nodded.
  "How to I tell him?"
  "You have to he brave, go for it girl!"
"I am not a girl, the girl is merely my-"
"Just shaddup, (Y/n)."

    You were now in heaven, and Castiel was going to have the same talk you had with the Winchesters that you had hours before.
   "Dean, Sam, can I-"
  "Yes, you can." Without Cas knowing, Sam whispered to Dean, "bet you five bucks that he's gonna ask if he's in love aka tingly feeling." Sam whispered, and Dean and Sam shook on it.
   "Well, I get this tingly feeling whenever I'm around (Y/n)-"
  "Cas, it's love, man. Admit your feelings to her, I swear to your father that she likes you the same way." Dean said, his face falling when he just realize he lost five bucks. Castiel's eyes widened, and he nodded.
  "I'll go find her now, thank you Dean, Sam." Then he poofed out of the bunker. Sam shot a smirk at Dean and Dean groaned, slamming five bucks in his hand.

     You were sitting on a bench in the lower Himalayas, looking up at the cloudless sky, the bright stars apparent in the sky and the moon glowing brightly. There was a flutter of wings and a presence next to you. You looked next to you, a grin spreading on your face.
  "Hello, Castiel." You said, and Castiel smiled at you.  
"Hello, (Y/n). I have to tell you something." You turned your attention towards Castiel, facing him. For some strange reason, his cheeks were red.
  "Castiel, your cheeks are red. Are you sick?" Castiel shook his head.
  "No, I think it's called 'blushing'. I really like you (Y/n), and I think I may love you." Cas confessed, using this new word he learned. Love. You felt your cheeks grow hot and were unfamiliar with the feeling.
  "I think I may love you too, Castiel." You whispered, and Castiel hugged you tightly. You sighed happily, finally getting the angel that you loved so much.

Angel reader!! XD my oc is an angel, so yeah. :)


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